WEBVTT 00:01.000 --> 03:23.000 Food and general hawkers 03:24.000 --> 05:45.000 Outside Adelaide CBD 05:46.000 --> 09:49.000 Picnics to Long Gully Belair and other 09:50.000 --> 10:56.000 Getting lost in Glenelg 10:56.000 --> 15:57.000 meeting differing ethnicities at school 15:58.000 --> 18:05.000 Prince of Wales 1920 Ross and Keith Smith Armistice medal 18:06.000 --> 24:23.000 Kings Theatre fire 1927 Other fires Station horses 24:23.000 --> 25:37.000 Destitute asylum during Depression 25:37.000 --> 29:30.000 Advent of talking pictures 29:32.000 --> 31:22.000 Life then and now