WEBVTT 00:01.000 --> 02:41.000 Home remedies 02:41.000 --> 03:09.000 Things son will never see 03:57.000 --> 05:06.000 Visiting Port Pirie from Whyalla 05:06.000 --> 05:56.000 Mother and sewing 05:57.000 --> 09:45.000 Saturday activities sport in Whyalla 09:46.000 --> 12:24.000 Family religion 12:25.000 --> 14:00.000 Rough parts of Whyalla 14:01.000 --> 17:54.000 Writing ambitions and book reading 17:54.000 --> 19:14.000 Family music 19:14.000 --> 21:15.000 Work after finishing school 21:16.000 --> 22:50.000 Back to Port Pirie Courting 22:51.000 --> 24:53.000 Work at Mens Ranch 24:54.000 --> 27:45.000 Work as glorified babysitter 27:45.000 --> 28:28.000 Manager of mens ranch 28:29.000 --> 30:46.000 Move to and work at Port Pirie