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- Manuscript16
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- 1919 4
- 12/11/1919 3
- 19/11/1919 1
- 1917-1921 1
- 1919 December 2 1
- 1933-1955 1
- 1934 July 16 1
- 22 and 25 November 1919 1
- 24-28 November 1919 1
- 30/11/1919 1
- April 1922 1
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- Bruce, Stanley Melbourne Bruce, Viscount, 1883-1967 1
- Buckingham Palace (London, England) 1
- Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924 1
- Great Britain. Air Ministry. 1
- Hughes, W. M. (William Morris), 1862-1952 1
- Mander-Jones, Phyllis, 1896-1984 1
- Melba, Nellie, Dame, 1861-1931 1
- Military Aeronautical Department of Siam 1
- Mottistone, John Edward Bernard Seely, Baron, 1868-1947 1
- Phitsanulokprachanat, Prince, son of Chulalongkorn, King of Siam, 1882-1920 1
- Salmond, William Geoffrey Hanson, 1878-1933 1
- Smith, Andrew Bell, 1851-1924 1
- Smith, Jessie, 1860-1947 1
- Smith, Ross MacPherson, Sir, 1892-1922 1
- State Bank of South Australia 1
- Sykes, Frederick Hugh, Sir, 1877- 1
- Vickers Limited 1
- Windsor, Edward, Duke of, 1894-1972 1
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