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- Object1
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- Fewster, Jack 5
- Brewster-Jones, Hooper, 1887-1949 2
- Knox, W. R. (William Robert) 2
- Primrose, Adelaide 2
- Quin, A. C 2
- Yemm, L. W. (Louis William) 2
- Barns, Horsley 1
- Campbell, Gertie 1
- Checker, A. L 1
- Danvers, Dorothy 1
- Eddy, John 1
- Floyd, Fred 1
- Goode, Arthur 1
- Marshall, M. V 1
- Otto, Arthur H 1
- Reeves, C. H 1
- Rodda, Charles, 1891- 1
- Ronchetti-Allin, E. (Emma), 1882-1966. 1
- Selth, G. Woolmer (George Woolmer) 1
- Sinnett, W. Scott 1
- Smeaton, T. H. (Thomas Hyland), 1857-1927 1
- Souter, Charles Henry, 1864-1944 1
- Starr, Ada Elizabeth 1
- Trevelyan, Cecil 1
- Tucker, Irene 1
- Von Bertouch, Julius 1
- Walker, Emma 1
- Warhurst, Frank 1
- Webb, Noel Augustin 1
- Westover, Ada 1
- Wigley, Milda 1
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- A soldier's dream 1
- At the call of Britannia 1
- Australia's sons 1
- Back we go again 1
- Bob's march 1
- Brave Australians 1
- Brother Billjim 1
- Calling Australia 1
- China 1
- Dazzling carnival blues 1
- Everytime to the front, Australia 1
- Fighting at the Dardanelles 1
- God save our Empire, or, Strike hard, and strike again 1
- Here they come to the sound of the drum 1
- Joey [music] 1
- Keep up old Britain's name 1
- Marching song, When England beats the drum! 1
- Marching to Berlin 1
- My yesterday 1
- Our flying boys 1
- Our freedom and liberty 1
- Our khaki heroes 1
- Our soldiers song 1
- Ready! 1
- Shoulder to shoulder 1
- Soldiers of Australia 1
- Song of the 10th Battalion 1
- Song of the Australian Flying Corps [music] 1
- Sweet peace 1
- The Allies' rally or Come along marching song 1
- The Australian patrol 1
- The Dardanelles 1
- The Empire's own 1
- The charge Australians made 1
- The digger 1
- The small still voice 1
- The song of the Scottish rifles 1
- The sons of Australia 1
- Welcome home 1
- When our boys come home 1
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- [1915] 8
- [between 1914 and 1918] 3
- [1914?] 2
- [between 1939 and 1945?] 2
- c1900 2
- 1900 1
- 1916] 1
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- 1942? 1
- [189-?] 1
- [190-?] 1
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- [1914] 1
- [1915 or 1916] 1
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- [1917] 1
- [1918 or 1919?] 1
- [1919?] 1
- [192-?] 1
- [1920?] 1
- [1940?] 1
- [between 1914 and 1916] 1
- [between 1914 and 1917] 1
- [between 1942 and 1945?] 1
- c1919 1
- c1929 1
- c1940 1
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