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- Oral history130
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- Mattiazzo, Oscar 13
- Rebuli, Enrico 8
- Tormena, Giovanni 8
- Moscheni, Lena, interviewee 5
- Panazzolo, Diana, interviewee 5
- Piovesan, Dino Luigi 4
- Rebuli, Giovanni, interviewee 4
- Rismondo, Adelina, 1927-2022 4
- Ballantyne, Rae Kyle 3
- Marchioro, Giancarlo (Johnny), 1940-2023 3
- Rebuli, Milva, interviewee 3
- Antonella, Nevea, interviewee 2
- Ballestrin, Silvano, 1949- interviewee 2
- Bello, Natalina, interviewee 2
- Berno, Remo, interviewee 2
- Bin, Rosanna, interviewee 2
- Conci, Sandra, interviewee 2
- Giovannini, Assunta 2
- Haynes, Barbara Elizabeth 2
- Legovich, Connie Marchioro 2
- Marchioro, Romano 2
- Mattiazzo, Adelina, interviewee 2
- Mattiazzo, Armida 2
- Mocenigo, Madeleine interviewee 2
- Pastro, Elisabetta, interviewee 2
- Rebuli, Guido 2
- Rodato, Virginia Silvana, interviewee 2
- Rossetto, Aldo 2
- Rossetto, Bruna, interviewee 2
- Santin, Anna 2
- Semola, Bruna, interviewee 2
- Semola, Sandra, interviewee 2
- Simeoni, Ermenegilda, -2023 interviewee 2
- Stepan, Clara, interviewee 2
- Tonellato, Lino 1926-2022. 2
- Tormena, Maria Rosa 2
- West, Barrie Richard, -2023 2
- Zampin, Irene, interviewee 2
- Antonini, Gabriella, interviewee 1
- Ballestrin, Egidio 1
- Ballestrin, Lino, interviewee 1
- Bordignon, Roma, interviewee 1
- Ciumento, Giuseppe, interviewee 1
- Leo, Eric 1
- Miotto, Viviana, interviewee 1
- Piovesan, Angelo, interviewee 1
- Piovesan, Bruno 1
- Quaresima, Nina 1
- Regan, Madeleine, interviewee 1
- Regan, Madeleine, speaker 1
- Tonellato, Alberto 1
- Tonellato, Mary 1
- Valentini, Adelaide, interviewee 1
- Zampin, Christina Margaret, interviewee 1
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- Interview with Oscar Mattiazzo [sound recording] Interviewer 13
- Interview with Enrico Rebuli [sound recording] / interviewer, Anna Mechis. 8
- Interview with Giovanni Tormena [sound recording] Interviewer 8
- Interview with Diana Panazzolo (nee Santin) [sound recording] / interviewer, Madeleine Regan 5
- Interview with Lena Moscheni (nee Rossetto) [sound recording] / Interviewer 5
- Interview with Adelina Rismondo (nee Marchioro) [sound recording] Interviewer 4
- Interview with Dino Piovesan [sound recording] Interviewer 4
- Interview with Giovanni (Johnny) Rebuli [sound recording] / Interviewer 4
- Interview with Giancarlo Marchioro [sound recording] Interviewer 3
- Interview with Milva Rebuli (nee Zampin) [sound recording] / Interviewer 3
- Interview with Rae Kyle Ballantyne [sound recording] Interviewer 3
- Interview with Adelina Mattiazzo [sound recording] / Interviewer 2
- Interview with Anna Santin (nee Mattiazzo) [sound recording] Interviewer 2
- Interview with Armida Mattiazo (nee Biasetto) [sound recording] Interviewer 2
- Interview with Assunta Giovannini (nee Tonellato) [sound recording] Interviewer 2
- Interview with Barbara Haynes [sound recording] Interviewer 2
- Interview with Barrie Richard West [sound recording] Interviewer 2
- Interview with Bruna Rossetto (nee Battaglia) [sound recording] / Interviewer 2
- Interview with Bruna Semola (nee Zampin) [sound recording] / Interviewer 2
- Interview with Clara Stepan [sound recording] / Interviewer 2
- Interview with Connie Marchioro Legovich (nee Marchioro) [sound recording] Interviewer 2
- Interview with Elisabetta Pastro [sound recording] / Interviewer 2
- Interview with Ermenegilda (Gilda) Simeoni [sound recording] / Interviewer 2
- Interview with Guido Rebuli [sound recording] Interviewer 2
- Interview with Irene Zampin [sound recording] / Interviewer 2
- Interview with Lino Tonellato [sound recording] Interviewer 2
- Interview with Madeleine Mocenigo [sound recording] / Interviewer 2
- Interview with Maria Rosa Tormena [sound recording] Interviewer 2
- Interview with Natalina Bello [sound recording] / Interviewer 2
- Interview with Nevea Antonello [sound recording] / Interviewer 2
- Interview with Remo Berno [sound recording] / Interviewer 2
- Interview with Romano Marchioro [sound recording] Interviewer 2
- Interview with Rosanna Bin [sound recording] / Interviewer 2
- Interview with Sandra Semola (nee Zampin) [sound recording] / Interviewer 2
- Interview with Silvano Ballestrin [sound recording] / Interviewer 2
- Interview with Virginia Rodato (nee Zampin) [sound recording] / Interviewer 2
- Interview with Adelaide (Aida) Valentini (nee Recchi) [sound recording] / Interviewer 1
- Interview with Alberto Tonellato [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Aldo Rossetto [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Aldo Rossetto [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Angelo Piovesan [sound recording] / Interviewer 1
- Interview with Bruno Piovesan [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Christina Zampin [sound recording] / Interviewer 1
- Interview with Egidio Ballestrin [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Eric Leo [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Gabriella Antonini [sound recording] / Interviewer 1
- Interview with Giuseppe (Joe) Chiumento [sound recording] / Interviewer 1
- Interview with Lino Ballestrin [sound recording] / Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mary Tonellato (nee Zoanetti) [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Nina Quaresima (nee Fazzalari) [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Roma Bordignon (nee Zampin) [sound recording] / Interviewer 1
- Interview with Sandra Conci (nee Santin) [sound recording] / Interviewer 1
- Interview with Sandra Conci (nee Santin) [sound recording] / Interviewer 1
- Interview with Viviana Miotto [sound recording] / Interviewer 1
- Opening drawers in the memory of a migrant community 1
- Presentation by Madeleine Regan at Flinders University History Seminar [sound recording]. 1
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- Creator...
- Photograph1
- Transcript1
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