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- Oral history276
- Creator...
- Steel, Florence Margaret, 1893-1992 12
- Barker, Mabel Lucy, 1907-1991 10
- Gilbert, Lawrence Robert, 1885-1988 10
- Liddy, Anne Angela, 1901-1986 8
- Dix, Geoffrey Lancelot, 1909-1992 7
- Hay-Taylor, Elsa Birch, 1897-1989 7
- McKenzie, Alan Robert, 1911-1991 7
- Cleggett, Harry, 1898-1987 6
- Easton, Roy William, 1904-1994 6
- Elliott, Charlotte Beatrice, 1893-1988 6
- Frost, Edna, 1904-1999 6
- Fry, Ivy, 1899-1995 6
- Gigney, Albert Edward, 1895-1994 6
- Hall, Jessie Merle, 1900-1990 6
- Hocking, Verna Daphne, 1908-1987 6
- Hutchinson, Ernest Clive, 1896-1992 6
- Kelly, Joseph Arnold, 1891- 6
- Klingberg, Heinrich Alfred, 1898-1987 6
- Knuckey, C. K. (Charles Kingscote), 1888-1988 6
- Lloyd, Ina Lois, 1905-1992 6
- Lord, Garnet James, 1905- 6
- Matthew, Mary Margaret, 1909-1994 6
- McLeod, John William, 1904-1993 6
- Morcom, Ross Bishop, 1900-1996 6
- Murrie, Douglas Gordon, 1899-1989 6
- Parker, Gervis Henry, 1895-1993 6
- Porter, James Thomas, 1899-1988 6
- Retallack, Albert Ernest, 1903-1986 6
- Root, Nellie Maude Norris, 1906-2000 6
- Rowe, Carlyle, 1910-1998 6
- Shalless, Lily Marian, 1899-1992 6
- Smith, Dorothy May, 1900-1987 6
- Sykes, Henley Godfrey, 1903-1993 6
- Waterman, Mary Theresa, 1894-1998 6
- Williams, Thelma Ruby, 1908-2006 6
- Cook, William Frederick, 1911- 5
- Day, Samuel, 1890-1989 5
- Lugg, Ita Eliza Julia, 1901-1992 5
- MacKenzie, Neil Seaforth, 1897-1989 5
- Mears, Beatrice Flora, 1888-2001 5
- Olivia, 1891-1989 5
- Plush, Rhoda Isabella, 1893-1990 5
- Starke, Amy Maud, 1908-1997 5
- Wilson, Ethel Linda, 1913- 5
- Spry, Winifred, 1901-1987 2
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- Interview with Alan Robert McKenzie [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Alan Robert McKenzie [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Alan Robert McKenzie [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Alan Robert McKenzie [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Alan Robert McKenzie [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Alan Robert McKenzie [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Alan Robert McKenzie [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Albert Edward Gigney [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Albert Edward Gigney [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Albert Edward Gigney [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Albert Edward Gigney [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Albert Edward Gigney [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Albert Edward Gigney [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Albert Ernest Retallack [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Albert Ernest Retallack [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Albert Ernest Retallack [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Albert Ernest Retallack [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Albert Ernest Retallack [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Albert Ernest Retallack [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Amy Maud 'Coral' Starke [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Amy Maud 'Coral' Starke [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Amy Maud 'Coral' Starke [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Amy Maud 'Coral' Starke [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Amy Maud 'Coral' Starke [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Anne Angela Liddy [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Anne Angela Liddy [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Anne Angela Liddy [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Anne Angela Liddy [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Anne Angela Liddy [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Anne Angela Liddy [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Anne Angela Liddy [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Anne Angela Liddy [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Beatrice Flora Mears [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Beatrice Flora Mears [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Beatrice Flora Mears [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Beatrice Flora Mears [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Beatrice Flora Mears [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Carlyle Rowe [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Carlyle Rowe [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Carlyle Rowe [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Carlyle Rowe [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Carlyle Rowe [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Carlyle Rowe [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Charles Kingscote Knuckey [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Charles Kingscote Knuckey [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Charles Kingscote Knuckey [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Charles Kingscote Knuckey [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Charles Kingscote Knuckey [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Charles Kingscote Knuckey [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Charlotte Beatrice Elliott [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Charlotte Beatrice Elliott [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Charlotte Beatrice Elliott [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Charlotte Beatrice Elliott [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Charlotte Beatrice Elliott [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Charlotte Beatrice Elliott [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Dorothy May Smith [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Dorothy May Smith [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Dorothy May Smith [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Dorothy May Smith [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Dorothy May Smith [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Dorothy May Smith [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Douglas Gordon Murrie [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Douglas Gordon Murrie [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Douglas Gordon Murrie [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Douglas Gordon Murrie [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Douglas Gordon Murrie [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Douglas Gordon Murrie [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Edna Frost [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Edna Frost [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Edna Frost [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Edna Frost [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Edna Frost [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Edna Frost [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Elsa Birch Hay-Taylor [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Elsa Birch Hay-Taylor [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Elsa Birch Hay-Taylor [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Elsa Birch Hay-Taylor [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Elsa Birch Hay-Taylor [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Elsa Birch Hay-Taylor [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Elsa Birch Hay-Taylor [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ernest Clive Hutchinson [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ernest Clive Hutchinson [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ernest Clive Hutchinson [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ernest Clive Hutchinson [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ernest Clive Hutchinson [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ernest Clive Hutchinson [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ethel Linda Wilson [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ethel Linda Wilson [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ethel Linda Wilson [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ethel Linda Wilson [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ethel Linda Wilson [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Florence Margaret Steel [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Florence Margaret Steel [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Florence Margaret Steel [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Florence Margaret Steel [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Florence Margaret Steel [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Florence Margaret Steel [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Florence Margaret Steel [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Florence Margaret Steel [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Florence Margaret Steel [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Florence Margaret Steel [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Florence Margaret Steel [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Florence Margaret Steel [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Garnet James Lord [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Garnet James Lord [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Garnet James Lord [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Garnet James Lord [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Garnet James Lord [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Garnet James Lord [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Geoffrey Lancelot Dix [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Geoffrey Lancelot Dix [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Geoffrey Lancelot Dix [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Geoffrey Lancelot Dix [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Geoffrey Lancelot Dix [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Geoffrey Lancelot Dix [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Geoffrey Lancelot Dix [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Gervis Henry Parker [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Gervis Henry Parker [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Gervis Henry Parker [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Gervis Henry Parker [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Gervis Henry Parker [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Gervis Henry Parker [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Harry Cleggett [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Harry Cleggett [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Harry Cleggett [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Harry Cleggett [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Harry Cleggett [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Harry Cleggett [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Henley Godfrey Sykes [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Henley Godfrey Sykes [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Henley Godfrey Sykes [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Henley Godfrey Sykes [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Henley Godfrey Sykes [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Henley Godfrey Sykes [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Henrich Alfred Klingberg [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Henrich Alfred Klingberg [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Henrich Alfred Klingberg [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Henrich Alfred Klingberg [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Henrich Alfred Klingberg [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Henrich Alfred Klingberg [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ina Lois Lloyd [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ina Lois Lloyd [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ina Lois Lloyd [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ina Lois Lloyd [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ina Lois Lloyd [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ina Lois Lloyd [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ita Eliza Lugg [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ita Eliza Lugg [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ita Eliza Lugg [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ita Eliza Lugg [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ita Eliza Lugg [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ivy Fry [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ivy Fry [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ivy Fry [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ivy Fry [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ivy Fry [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ivy Fry [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with James Thomas Porter [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with James Thomas Porter [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with James Thomas Porter [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with James Thomas Porter [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with James Thomas Porter [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with James Thomas Porter [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Jessie Merle Hall [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Jessie Merle Hall [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Jessie Merle Hall [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Jessie Merle Hall [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Jessie Merle Hall [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Jessie Merle Hall [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with John William McLeod [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with John William McLeod [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with John William McLeod [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with John William McLeod [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with John William McLeod [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with John William McLeod [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Joseph Arnold Kelly [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Joseph Arnold Kelly [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Joseph Arnold Kelly [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Joseph Arnold Kelly [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Joseph Arnold Kelly [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Joseph Arnold Kelly [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Lawrence Robert Gilbert [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Lawrence Robert Gilbert [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Lawrence Robert Gilbert [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Lawrence Robert Gilbert [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Lawrence Robert Gilbert [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Lawrence Robert Gilbert [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Lawrence Robert Gilbert [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Lawrence Robert Gilbert [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Lawrence Robert Gilbert [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Lawrence Robert Gilbert [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Lily Marian Shalless [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Lily Marian Shalless [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Lily Marian Shalless [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Lily Marian Shalless [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Lily Marian Shalless [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Lily Marian Shalless [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mabel Lucy Barker [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mabel Lucy Barker [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mabel Lucy Barker [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mabel Lucy Barker [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mabel Lucy Barker [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mabel Lucy Barker [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mabel Lucy Barker [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mabel Lucy Barker [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mabel Lucy Barker [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mabel Lucy Barker [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mary Margaret Matthew [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mary Margaret Matthew [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mary Margaret Matthew [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mary Margaret Matthew [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mary Margaret Matthew [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mary Margaret Matthew [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mary Theresa Waterman [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mary Theresa Waterman [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mary Theresa Waterman [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mary Theresa Waterman [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mary Theresa Waterman [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Mary Theresa Waterman [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Neil Seaforth MacKenzie [sound recording] interviewer 1
- Interview with Neil Seaforth MacKenzie [sound recording] interviewer 1
- Interview with Neil Seaforth MacKenzie [sound recording] interviewer 1
- Interview with Neil Seaforth MacKenzie [sound recording] interviewer 1
- Interview with Neil Seaforth MacKenzie [sound recording] interviewer 1
- Interview with Nellie Maude Norris Root [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Nellie Maude Norris Root [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Nellie Maude Norris Root [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Nellie Maude Norris Root [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Nellie Maude Norris Root [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Nellie Maude Norris Root [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Olive Pope [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Olive Pope [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Olive Pope [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Olive Pope [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Olive Pope [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Rhoda Isabella Plush [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Rhoda Isabella Plush [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Rhoda Isabella Plush [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Rhoda Isabella Plush [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Rhoda Isabella Plush [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ross Bishop Morcom [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ross Bishop Morcom [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ross Bishop Morcom [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ross Bishop Morcom [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ross Bishop Morcom [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Ross Bishop Morcom [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Roy William Easton [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Roy William Easton [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Roy William Easton [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Roy William Easton [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Roy William Easton [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Roy William Easton [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Samuel Day [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Samuel Day [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Samuel Day [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Samuel Day [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Samuel Day [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Thelma Ruby Williams [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Thelma Ruby Williams [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Thelma Ruby Williams [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Thelma Ruby Williams [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Thelma Ruby Williams [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Thelma Ruby Williams [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Verna Daphne Hocking [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Verna Daphne Hocking [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Verna Daphne Hocking [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Verna Daphne Hocking [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Verna Daphne Hocking [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Verna Daphne Hocking [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with William Frederick Cook [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with William Frederick Cook [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with William Frederick Cook [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with William Frederick Cook [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with William Frederick Cook [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Winifred Spry [sound recording] Interviewer 1
- Interview with Winifred Spry [sound recording] Interviewer 1
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- Creator...
- Transcript44
- Creator...
- Barker, Mabel Lucy, 1907-1991 1
- Cleggett, Harry, 1898-1987 1
- Cook, William Frederick, 1911- 1
- Day, Samuel, 1890-1989 1
- Dix, Geoffrey Lancelot, 1909-1992 1
- Easton, Roy William, 1904-1994 1
- Elliott, Charlotte Beatrice, 1893-1988 1
- Frost, Edna, 1904-1999 1
- Fry, Ivy, 1899-1995 1
- Gigney, Albert Edward, 1895-1994 1
- Gilbert, Lawrence Robert, 1885-1988 1
- Hall, Jessie Merle, 1900-1990 1
- Hay-Taylor, Elsa Birch, 1897-1989 1
- Hocking, Verna Daphne, 1908-1987 1
- Hutchinson, Ernest Clive, 1896-1992 1
- Kelly, Joseph Arnold, 1891- 1
- Klingberg, Heinrich Alfred, 1898-1987 1
- Knuckey, C. K. (Charles Kingscote), 1888-1988 1
- Liddy, Anne Angela, 1901-1986 1
- Lloyd, Ina Lois, 1905-1992 1
- Lord, Garnet James, 1905- 1
- Lugg, Ita Eliza Julia, 1901-1992 1
- MacKenzie, Neil Seaforth, 1897-1989 1
- Matthew, Mary Margaret, 1909-1994 1
- McKenzie, Alan Robert, 1911-1991 1
- McLeod, John William, 1904-1993 1
- Mears, Beatrice Flora, 1888-2001 1
- Morcom, Ross Bishop, 1900-1996 1
- Murrie, Douglas Gordon, 1899-1989 1
- Olivia, 1891-1989 1
- Parker, Gervis Henry, 1895-1993 1
- Plush, Rhoda Isabella, 1893-1990 1
- Porter, James Thomas, 1899-1988 1
- Retallack, Albert Ernest, 1903-1986 1
- Root, Nellie Maude Norris, 1906-2000 1
- Rowe, Carlyle, 1910-1998 1
- Shalless, Lily Marian, 1899-1992 1
- Smith, Dorothy May, 1900-1987 1
- Spry, Winifred, 1901-1987 1
- Starke, Amy Maud, 1908-1997 1
- Steel, Florence Margaret, 1893-1992 1
- Sykes, Henley Godfrey, 1903-1993 1
- Williams, Thelma Ruby, 1908-2006 1
- Wilson, Ethel Linda, 1913- 1
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- Date (year)...
- Creator...
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