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- Manuscript3
- Map or Plan2
- Object1
- Photograph138
- Photographer...
- Messenger Press, photographer 14
- Woods, Harold Vynne, 1889-1993, photographer 13
- Cazneaux, Harold, 1878-1953, photographer 9
- Smith, D. Darian, 1900-1984, photographer 8
- Sweet, Samuel White, 1825-1886 8
- Woolford, R., photographer 8
- Foelsche, P. (Paul), 1831-1914, photographer 6
- Arthur Studio (Mount Gambier, S.A.), photographer 3
- Advertiser Newspapers Ltd, photographer 2
- Australian Red Cross. South Australian Division 1
- Bond & Co., photographer 1
- Buchheister, artist 1
- Cheer Up Society 1
- Dubotzki, Paul, 1892-1962, photographer 1
- Duryea, Townsend 1823-1888, photographer 1
- Duryea, Townsend, 1823-1888, photographer 1
- Gabriel, Francis, photographer. 1
- Government Photolithographer (S.A.), photographer 1
- Gunn, Aeneas J. (Aeneas James), 1862-1903 1
- Hurley, Frank, 1885-1962 1
- Krichauff, Frederick Charles, 1861-1954, photographer 1
- Krischock, Henry, photographer 1
- Lawton, photographer 1
- Michell, John Raynor 1
- Mountford, Charles P. (Charles Pearcy), 1890-1976, photographer 1
- Noye, Robert James, 1932-2002 1
- Shaw, James, 1815-1881, artist 1
- Shell Company of Australia (S. Aust) 1
- State Library of South Australia, photographer 1
- Sweet, Samuel White, 1825-1886, photographer 1
- Symon (Family) 1
- Walker, Gordon, photographer 1
- Wing Chong Sing, photographer 1
- Wivell & Co., photographer 1
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- Photographer...
- Publication262
- Creator...
- Rymill, John, 1905-1968 4
- Stuart, John McDouall, 1815-1866 4
- GM Holden Ltd 3
- Péron, François, 1775-1810 3
- Ross, James Clark, Sir, 1800-1862 3
- Cook, James, 1728-1779 2
- Crane, Walter, 1845-1915 2
- Dampier, William, 1652-1715 2
- Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731 2
- Dumont d'Urville, J. (Jules), 1790-1842 2
- Fewster, Jack 2
- Gibbs, May, 1877-1969 2
- Gould, John, 1804-1881 2
- Hamilton, George, 1812-1883 2
- Mawson, Douglas, Sir, 1882-1958 2
- Meyer, H. A. E. (Heinrich August Eduard), 1813-1862 2
- Adelaide Jubilee International Exhibition (1887) 1
- Alderman, A. R 1
- Audouin, Victor, 1797-1841 1
- Austen, Jane, 1775-1817 1
- Australia. Official 1
- Australia. State Recruiting Committee of South Australia, issuing body 1
- Author of Little Jessie 1
- Baker, Jeannie 1
- Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael), 1825-1894 1
- Ballinger, Claude Joseph 1
- Bluegum, Tom 1
- Boldrewood, Rolf, Mrs 1
- Booth, Edwin Carton 1
- Boothby, Guy, 1867-1905 1
- Borchgrevink, C. E. (Carsten E.), 1864-1934 1
- Boucaut, James Penn, Sir, 1831-1916 1
- Boyd, A. J. (Alexander Jenyns), 1842-1928 1
- Brazil, Angela, 1869-1947 1
- British Antarctic Expedition (1907-1909) 1
- Brown, J. E. (John Ednie), 1848-1899 1
- C.F. Newman and Son 1
- Caldecott, Randolph, 1846-1886 1
- Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898 1
- Catholic Church 1
- Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Hours 1
- Clichtove, Josse, -1543 1
- Comenius, Johann Amos, 1592-1670 1
- Coombs, W. H. (William Henry) 1
- Crescenzi, Pietro de', ca. 1233-ca. 1320 1
- Davey, Doris 1
- Davies, W. H. (William Henry), 1871-1940 1
- Dennis, C. J. (Clarence James), 1876-1938 1
- Dionysius, of Halicarnassus 1
- Dorsten, Dietrich, 1492-1552 1
- Duhamel du Monceau, M, 1700-1782 1
- Durack, Mary, 1913-1994 1
- Easy, Grandmamma 1
- F. E. D. (Fanny Elizabeth De Mole), 1835-1866 1
- Fitzgerald, Mary A 1
- Fleury, Claude, 1640-1723 1
- Francatelli, Charles Elmé, 1805-1876 1
- France. Commission des Sciences et Arts d'Egypte 1
- Gee, Lionel C. E. (Lionel Carley Egremont) 1
- Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold), 1793-1860 1
- Great Britain. Colonial Office 1
- Greenaway, Kate, 1846-1901 1
- Gunn, Aeneas, Mrs., 1870-1961 1
- Hay, William, 1875-1945 1
- Heinsius, Daniel, 1580-1655 1
- Henry Sewell (Firm) 1
- Hindmarsh, John, Sir, 1785-1860 1
- Hodgeman, A. J. (Alfred James), 1885-1964 1
- Johnson, Hugh, 1939- 1
- Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871 1
- King, Stephen, 1841-1915 1
- Kingsley, Charles, 1819-1875 1
- Kingston, George Strickland, 1807-1880 1
- Kingston, William Henry Giles, 1814-1880 1
- Law, P. G. (Phillip Garth), 1912- 1
- Lesueur, Charles Alexandre, 1778-1846 1
- Light, William, 1786-1839 1
- Loudon, Mrs., 1807-1858 1
- Lycett, Joseph, ca. 1775-1828 1
- Marryat, Frederick, 1792-1848 1
- Martin, Catherine, 1848-1937 1
- Martin, R. D. (Rodney David), 1946- 1
- Maslen, T. J. (Thomas J.) 1
- McEvoy, William John 1
- Millo, Antonio 1
- Mueller, Ferdinand, Baron von, 1825-1896 1
- Munkara, Marie, 1960- 1
- Muybridge, Eadweard, 1830-1904 1
- Myrtoun, Hope 1
- Newman, G. M. (George M.) 1
- Newton, Isaac, Sir, 1642-1727 1
- North Australia Commission 1
- O'Donoghue, Lowitja, 1932- 1
- Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598 1
- Patrick, Simon, 1626-1707 1
- Pedley, Ethel 1
- Perry, George, active 1810-1811 1
- Pliny, the Elder 1
- Power, H. Septimus (Harold Septimus), 1878-1951 1
- Purdy, C. J. S. (Cecil John Seddon), 1906-1979 1
- Rees, Abraham, 1743-1825 1
- Roberts, David, 1796-1864 1
- Roberts, Tom, 1900- 1
- Roughsey, Dick 1
- Ruskin, John, 1819-1900 1
- Sabuda, Robert 1
- Saj, Philip 1
- Scholes, Arthur 1
- Searcy, Alfred, 1854-1925 1
- Searcy, Arthur, 1852-1935 1
- Sewell, Anna, 1820-1878 1
- Shackleton, Ernest Henry, Sir, 1874-1922 1
- Skipper, John Michael, 1815-1883, artist 1
- Smith, James Edward, Sir, 1759-1828 1
- Sorry Day Committee 1
- South Australia. Parliament 1
- Spencer, Baldwin Sir, 1860-1929 1
- Spencer, Baldwin, Sir, 1860-1929 1
- Stables, Gordon, 1840-1910 1
- Steill, Benjamin 1
- Swainson, William, 1789-1855 1
- Symons, Audrey 1
- Tan, Shaun 1
- Teichelmann, C. G. (Christian Gottlieb), 1807-1888 1
- Tenison-Woods, J. E. (Julian Edmund), 1832-1889 1
- The national directory of South Australia for 1867-68 1
- Thévenot, M. (Melchisédech), 1620?-1692 1
- Ude, Louis Eustache 1
- Venice (Republic 1
- Verlaine, Paul, 1844-1896 1
- Verne, Jules, 1828-1905 1
- Wall, Dorothy, 1894-1942 1
- Walling, Edna, 1896-1973 1
- Walton, Izaak, 1593-1683 1
- Willard, Nancy, author 1
- Wyss, Johann David, 1743-1818 1
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- Robinson Crusoe 2
- 'Sorry Day' books 1
- A French winemaker 1
- A gift from Switzerland 1
- A man has gone from here to fight for liberty 1
- A museum for young gentlemen and ladies ... 1
- A new voyage round the world, fourth edition corrected 1
- A new voyage round the world, second edition corrected 1
- A school for hairdressers' apprentices opens 1
- A specimen of the botany of New Holland 1
- A, apple pie 1
- ANARE coastal exploration 1948-1956 1
- About us 1
- Acclaim for Stuart 1
- Actinozoaires Medusaires 1
- Adelaide 1
- Adelaide Festival of Arts, 1960 1
- Adelaide Plains Grammar 1
- Adelaide express to Melbourne 1
- Adelaide's King of Rock and Roll 1
- Adelie penguin 1
- Advance Australia 1
- Alexandra alphabet 1
- All the way at last 1
- Alphabet of old friends 1
- An Australian girl 1
- An alternative rail line 1
- An appeal for the horse 1
- An explorer's panacea 1
- Arcana, or, The Museum of natural history 1
- At a gallop 1
- At the South Pole, or, The adventures of Richard Pengelley, Mariner 1
- Australian Democrats 1
- Australian Legendary Tales 1
- Australian Light Horse going into action Eastern Front 1
- Australian alphabet 1
- Baines River 1
- Banks' florilegium 1
- Birks advertising fan 1
- Blinky Bill joins the army 1
- Bombing of Darwin 1
- Book of Kells 1
- Botanicon 1
- Broken Hill Flat Silver Mine 1
- CF Newman & Son Catalogue 1
- CJ Dennis 1
- Caii Plynii Secvndi Natvralis historiae 1
- Carte de visite 1
- Central Mt Stuart 1
- Child's season ticket 1
- Chinese in the Territory 1
- Chosen by Sir Douglas Mawson 1
- Cigarette cards 1
- City beat 1
- Commemoration of 41st anniversary of Stuart crossing Australia 1
- Complimentary dinner to John McDouall Stuart and party 1
- Coral Island 1
- Cottage and garden in Australia 1
- David Roberts' Egypt 1
- Dazzling carnival blues 1
- Der Kamerad 1
- Description de l'Egypte 1
- Desert tribes 1
- Dinner in honour of John McDouall Stuart and party 1
- Dinosaur in the Park 1
- Discovery of Adelie Land 1
- Dolly's home 1
- Dot and the kangaroo 1
- Doves binding 1
- Ducale granted by the Doge Marino Grimani to Giovanni Alvise Morosini 1
- Dugouts for working ambulance dogs 1
- Duryea's Photographic Gallery 1
- Emma 1
- Every secret thing 1
- Everything for the garden 1
- Evidence of ownership 1
- Explorer extolled 1
- FJ Holden 1
- Fetes galantes 1
- First TV week 1
- First on the Antarctic continent 1
- Following the sun [Portolan Atlas] 1
- From pole to pole 1
- GTR and GTR XU-1 1
- Genesis 1
- Geological observations in South Australia 1
- Geology in verse 1
- Governor Hindmarsh's Book of Common Prayer 1
- Graham Land map 1
- Grandmamma Easy's merry multiplication 1
- Green and gold cookery book 1
- Green gilt binding 1
- Grim Tales 1
- Gumnut babies 1
- Gutenberg's gift 1
- Guy Boothby 1
- Heard Island 1
- Hendon Ammunition Factory Social Club letter cards 1
- Histoire des insectes nuisibles a la vigne 1
- Holden factory at Elizabeth 1
- Hollowed out book 1
- Holy Bible 1
- Home of the Blizzard 1
- Horse and pony fiction 1
- House that Jack built 1
- Hymn to Bacchus 1
- Ice Islands 1
- Ice plough 1
- Imagined interior 1
- Infant's library 1
- Invention of television 1
- Invitation to 40th anniversary celebration of John McDouall Stuart crossing Australia 1
- Invitation to the unveiling of the John McDoull Stuart statue 1
- Italian Book of hours 1
- Italian blocked binding 1
- Java la Grande 1
- Joey [music] 1
- Joseph's exaltation 1
- Just caught the post at Kadina 1
- Kangaroo Island emu 1
- Kangaroo 1
- King Bungaree's Pyalla 1
- King George Land 1
- Koshnitsky chess collection 1
- Kwatja, kwatja, kwatja! 1
- Lake Eyre South 1
- Le Petit Chaperon Rouge (Little Red Riding Hood) 1
- Le livre des Prouffitz chanpestres a ruraulx 1
- Le petit messager des missions 1
- Les enfants du capitaine Grant 1
- Letters about the establishment of a British settlement on the north west coast of New Holland 1
- Light's surveying reference (within Crocker's 'The Elements of Land Surveying') 1
- Lindisfarne Gospels 1
- Little Red Riding Hood Chapbook 1
- Little Red Riding Hood movable book 1
- Liturgy of the hours 1
- Lost in the bush 1
- Lowitja; as told to Joan Cunningham and Karen Jennings 1
- Macquarie Island 1
- Manager Graham Longley's honorary membership card for the Masters Apprentices fan club. 1
- Manners and customs of the Aborigines of the Encounter Bay tribe, South Australia 1
- Maps from 'Voyage de decouvertes aux terres australes' 1
- Marlene Dietrich, 1968 1
- Masterman Ready 1
- Masters Apprentices pass out ticket 1
- Mawson 1
- Members of British Graham Land Expedition 1
- Men of Stamina 1
- Military service records of William McEvoy 1
- Mo smashes attendance records 1
- More members of the British Graham Land Expedition 1
- Mount Erebus 1
- Mount Erebus discovered 1
- Moveable greetings 1
- Mr. C.T. Madigan 1
- Noah's Ark 1
- Official catalogue of the exhibits 1
- Official history of Australia in the War of 1914-1918 1
- One, two buckle my shoe 1
- Orbis sensualium pictus ... 1
- Outer Harbor opened 1
- Panorama of the Coronation of George IV, 19th July 1821 1
- Papers relating to an expedition recently undertaken for the purpose of exploring the northern portion of Australia 1
- Patient teacher 1
- Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica 1
- Physical atlas 1
- Pictorial primer 1
- Plants collected by Babbage 1
- Polo at Birkalla 1
- Pop-ups spells 'Christmas' 1
- Postcard home 1
- Postcard sent from Macquarie Island 1
- Premier voyage de James Cook autour du monde 1
- Private Surveyor 1
- Queen's Binder A 1
- Queen's Theatre, Gilles Arcade, Currie Street 1
- Rainbow Serpent 1
- Reasons for the referendum 1
- Refining a breed 1
- Register of the rainfall ... 1
- Relation d'un voyage du Pole Arctique au pole Antarctique par le centre du monde ... 1
- Research yacht Penola under sail 1
- Robinson Crusoe 1
- Ross Ice Shelf 1
- Ross seal 1
- Ross's discoveries 1
- Round about pictures 1
- S.A. football budget 1
- School Stories 1
- Season ticket 1
- Sermon before the exploring expedition 1
- Shaun Tan 1
- Simpson's new patent ovens 1
- Sir Douglas Mawson and Kraft Cheese 1
- Skipper comments ... 1
- Snowdrop 1
- Soldier's ration book 1
- South Australian advertiser 1
- South Australian gazette and colonial register 1
- South Magnetic Pole 1
- South polar times 1
- Souvenir, Kapunda and district, peace celebrations, 1919 1
- State funeral 1
- Stifled laughter 1
- Stuart O'Grady face mask 1
- Stuart arrives on the north coast 1
- Stuart revered 1
- Stuart's diaries in the news 1
- Stuart's explorations in Australia 1
- Stuart's first expedition 1
- Stuart's journey into the interior of Australia 1
- Success and return begun 1
- Survey of Northern Territory 1
- Swiss Family Robinson 1
- Tales about the sun 1
- Tanami gold 1
- Terra Australis nondum cognita 1
- Terra Australis unveiled 1
- The Barossa cookery book 1
- The Birds of Australia 1
- The French Cook 1
- The Kookaburra cookery book of culinary and household recipes and hints / collected and arranged by the Committee of The Lady Victoria Buxton Girls' Club, Adelaide, South Australia 1
- The Noah's ark 1
- The Royal English and Foreign Confectioner 1
- The colossal musical attraction of 1931 1
- The complete angler ... 1
- The flower garden in Australia 1
- The forest flora of South Australia 1
- The four Gospels of the Lord Jesus Christ ... 1
- The hairdresser for particular ladies 1
- The horse 1
- The ladies' companion to the flower-garden 1
- The uncle's present 1
- The way of the whirlwind 1
- The white rabbit 1
- Three boys in Antarctica 1
- Three of Mawson's men 1
- Tobler cards 1
- Toolache wallaby 1
- Town Aborigines 1
- Traite des arbres et arbustes qui l'on cultive en France en pleine terre 1
- Transfer of the Territory 1
- Tunnel under the Thames 1
- Uncorking wine pop-ups 1
- Universal dictionary 1
- Vestey's before the Food Commisssion 1
- Viaducts, near Adelaide 1
- Views in Australia, or, New South Wales & Van Diemen's Land delineated ... 1
- Vocabulary 1
- Voyage de decouvertes aux terres australes 1
- We of the Never-Never 1
- Welcome to colour 1
- Wild flowers of South Australia 1
- Wilkins's discoveries 1
- Window 1
- Winning of Australian Antarctica 1
- Wombats 1
- Woodies teentime 1
- Woodley's Coonawarra 'Skeleton' 1
- Young modern 1
- Zoological illustrations ... 1
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- 1863 6
- 1938 5
- 1911 4
- 1930 4
- 1847 3
- 1848 3
- 1858 3
- 1862 3
- 1887 3
- 1928 3
- 1807-1816 2
- 1824 2
- 1841-54 2
- 1844 2
- 1861 2
- 1864 2
- 1866 2
- 1868 2
- 1871 2
- 1875 2
- 1893 2
- 1899 2
- 1901 2
- 1902 2
- 1904 2
- 1908 2
- 1913 2
- 1914 2
- 1915 2
- 1919 2
- 1931 2
- 1956 2
- 1962 2
- 1981 2
- 2003 2
- 2006 2
- 2009 2
- [192-?] 2
- 10 May 1962 1
- 1472 1
- 1519 1
- 1530 1
- 1540 1
- 1561 1
- 1578 1
- 1589 1
- 1616 1
- 1663-1673 1
- 1679 1
- 1697-1709 1
- 1699-1709 1
- 1700 1
- 1705 1
- 1714 1
- 1723 1
- 1733 1
- 1777 1
- 1778 1
- 1793 1
- 1800-1819 1
- 1801 1
- 1802 1
- 1804 1
- 1810 1
- 1811 1
- 1816 1
- 1816- 1
- 1819-20 1
- 1820-1833 1
- 1823-1826 1
- 1829 1
- 1830 1
- 1834 1
- 1840 1
- 1841 1
- 1841-42 1
- 1842 1
- 1842-1849 1
- 1843 1
- 1844-1875 1
- 1846 1
- 1849 1
- 1850 1
- 1857 1
- 1859 1
- 1860 1
- 1867 1
- 1869-1870 1
- 187-?] 1
- 1870 1
- 1877 1
- 1879 1
- 1882 1
- 1884 1
- 1886 1
- 1888 1
- 1889 1
- 1890 1
- 1891 1
- 1896 1
- 190-? 1
- 1903 1
- 1905 1
- 1906 1
- 1907-1914 1
- 1909 1
- 1910 1
- 1912 1
- 1914-1916 1
- 1915-1919 1
- 1916-1940 [n.d.] 1
- 1916? 1
- 1918-1919 1
- 1918-1943 1
- 1925 1
- 1929 1
- 1930? 1
- 1933 1
- 1934 1
- 1935-1942 1
- 1936 1
- 1942-1943 1
- 1943 1
- 1947 1
- 1957 1
- 1958 1
- 1959? 1
- 196-? 1
- 1964 1
- 1965 1
- 1966 1
- 1966-1967 1
- 1967 1
- 1968 1
- 1972 1
- 1974 1
- 1975 1
- 1980 1
- 1981-1988 1
- 1991 1
- 1995 1
- 1998 1
- 1999 1
- 2 September 1959 1
- 2002-2003 1
- 3 June 1837 1
- May 1947 1
- [1524?] 1
- [1800?]] 1
- [1809-28] 1
- [181-?] 1
- [1810?] 1
- [182-?] 1
- [1822] 1
- [1825] 1
- [1826] 1
- [184-?] 1
- [1844-?] 1
- [1856?] 1
- [1863?] 1
- [1869?] 1
- [187-?] 1
- [1873-1876] 1
- [1873] 1
- [1879?] 1
- [188-?] 1
- [1882-1890] 1
- [1884?] 1
- [1887?] 1
- [189-?] 1
- [1891?] 1
- [1891] 1
- [1895] 1
- [1899] 1
- [19-?] 1
- [190-?]] 1
- [1908?] 1
- [1910?] 1
- [1912] 1
- [1913] 1
- [1916] 1
- [1921] 1
- [1941] 1
- [1949] 1
- [195-?] 1
- [1992] 1
- [ca. 1879?] 1
- [ca. 1910-11?] 1
- c1875 1
- c1929 1
- c1984 1
- c1988 1
- c1989 1
- c1990 1
- ca. 1375 1
- ca. 1915-1916 1
- ca. 1934 1
- ca.1835-1839 1
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