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- Artwork6
- Manuscript10
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- Graphic design for wine cask 2
- Australian Bushmen game 1
- Bat used by Don Bradman to score 334 runs in 1930 1
- Blackwood book chest presented to Duke and Duchess of York 1
- Called to arms 1
- Don Bradman's Australian team blazer, 1946-1947 1
- Dugouts and Trenches 1
- Euchim war game ; rules for Euchim & six extra games enclosed 1
- Model of the 'Investigator' 1
- Race to the gold diggings of Australia 1
- The life of emigration [dissected puzzle] 1
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- approximately 1929 1
- 1901 1
- 191-? 1
- 2000-2003 1
- [approximately 185-] 1
- approximately 1946 1
- approximately 1965 1
- approximately 1968 1
- c. 1840 1
- c.1900 1
- c190-? 1
- ca. 1915 1
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- Photograph4
- Publication18
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- Australia. Patent Office 1
- Barton, Charlotte, 1797-1867 1
- Beeton, Mrs. (Isabella Mary), 1836-1865 1
- Borlase, James S. (James Skipp) 1
- Cook, James, 1728-1779 1
- Gilmore, Mary, Dame, 1865-1962 1
- Gould, John, 1804-1881 1
- Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598 1
- Perry, George, active 1810-1811 1
- Schuler, Phillip F. E. 1
- South Australia. State War Council 1
- Symons, Audrey 1
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- A Mother's offering to her children / by a lady long resident in New South Wales 1
- A penny dreadful 1
- ANZAC Dinner 1
- Anzac souvenir 1
- Arcana, or, The Museum of natural history 1
- Dinner in honour of the overseas delegates, Commonwealth Press Union, South Australian Hotel, Adelaide, November 19th 1955 1
- Hendon Ammunition Factory Social Club letter cards 1
- Patent specification. Mechanical motion. Sheep shears. No. 15,624, 1909. D. Unaipon, SA 1
- Premier voyage de James Cook autour du monde 1
- Souvenir, Kapunda and district, peace celebrations, 1919 1
- State Dinner in honour of His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales 1
- State banquet in commemoration of the completion of the first one hundred years of Australian settlement 1
- Terra Australis nondum cognita 1
- The Battlefields of Anzac 1
- The Birds of Australia 1
- The Mary cookery book 1
- The book of household management 1
- United Service Lodge no. 37, S.A.C. 1
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- Transcript3
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