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- Australia. State Recruiting Committee of South Australia, issuing body. 2
- Australia. Department of Defence, issuing body. 1
- Australia. Women's State Recruiting Committee (S.A.), issuing body. 1
- Edwards, Herbert, Rev, author. 1
- Rix, C. W., author. 1
- Shepherd, Michael T 1
- Soldier's sweetheart (Poet), author. 1
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- ...Only the brave deserve the fair 1
- Australia's answer to Kaiser Bill 1
- Compulsory military training 1
- Enlist! Enlist! 1
- Fifty points against conscription 1
- Letter about the formation of the Win the War League 1
- Letters relating to volunteering for active duty in the Australian armed services 1
- Mate ! Be a sport... 1
- National Service 1
- The cry for recruits 1
- Volunteers or quitters? 1
- War Census card 1
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