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- 3D object1
- Artwork295
- Audio39
- Collection42
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- Community audio1
- Community photograph244
- Photographer...
- Kim Horton 30
- Mark Gilbert 16
- Rosenzweig, Rebekah 11
- Kate Zwar 10
- Glenys Gelzinis 9
- Jade O'Donohue 9
- Karen Brandwood 8
- Linda Kennedy 7
- Bill Purvis 6
- Shaun Kelly 6
- Adrian Reid 5
- Laura Wolfe 5
- A.V. Wilson 4
- Kirsty Parkinson 4
- Stephen Trutwin 4
- Catherine Hughes 3
- Cathie Thomas 3
- Fiona Telford-Sharp 3
- June Edwards 3
- Natalie Carfora 3
- Sue Ward 3
- Valerie Sitters 3
- Adam Kauschke 2
- Andrew Piper 2
- Anne Marie Sinclair 2
- Anthea Habel 2
- Child Expressions Photography 2
- Desiree Gilbert 2
- Jacki Haas 2
- Jade O’Donohue 2
- Judy Fander 2
- Kerrie Mathews 2
- Lisa Elsom 2
- Michelle Toft 2
- Rebekah Rosenzweig 2
- Samantha Battams 2
- Tanja Hasan-Warner 2
- Alison Devitt 1
- Allison Murchie 1
- Andrew Mattner 1
- Anne Sinclair 1
- Annie Hopkins 1
- Ben Footner 1
- Brenton Torrens 1
- Charlotte Frost & Josh Moyle 1
- Chris Day 1
- Damian Haas 1
- Diana D 1
- Diana Thompson 1
- Elizabeth Henningsen 1
- Emily Wilson 1
- Emma Brandwood 1
- Garry Stephen (Co-worker) 1
- Gina Eliker 1
- James Day 1
- Jayne Downs 1
- John Zwar & Martyn Haines 1
- Joy Harvey 1
- Julie Phillips 1
- K. Parkinson 1
- Kristen Walter 1
- Leith Needle 1
- Lili Parkins 1
- Louise Henderson 1
- Lourdes Duenas-Blinco 1
- Matty Rogers 1
- Mel Graham 1
- Mrs Haese 1
- Noah Lucas 1
- Pete Dreyer 1
- Peter Zajicek 1
- Rob Jung/ Kara Jung 1
- Sandy Lepore 1
- Scott, Jenny (Jennifer Rose), 1952- photographer 1
- Shannon Murdey-Green Photography 1
- Sharmayne Coso 1
- Sharon Frost 1
- Simon Rose 1
- Sonya Chapman 1
- Tonia Bradstreet 1
- Tracy 1
- Vivienne Oakley 1
- Will Dring 1
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- Photographer...
- Community story17
- Creator...
- K. Parkinson 2
- Alice Richardson 1
- Aliye Hennessy-Tetik 1
- Cathy Thorpe 1
- Claire Bell 1
- Cleone Oke 1
- Elizabeth Fudge 1
- Emma Luxardo 1
- John Zwar 1
- Kevin Ottens 1
- Mary-Anne Bassi 1
- Rachel Trembath 1
- Rosenzweig, Rebekah 1
- Ryan Beaumont 1
- Valerie Volk 1
- Year 2 students at Linden Park Primary School 1
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- Creator...
- Community video10
- Event13
- Exhibition19
- Help guide1
- Knowledge page8
- Manuscript698
- Creator...
- Smith, Ross Macpherson, Sir, 1892-1922 90
- Smith, Keith Macpherson, Sir, 1890-1955 16
- Lean, James Malcolm, 1878-1931 8
- Ferguson, Rosina, 1812-1893 6
- Vickers Limited 6
- Churchill-Smith, James, 1894-1968 5
- Terrell, Frederick Leopold, 1889-1973 5
- Australian Customs Service 4
- Australian Women's Land Army. South Australia 4
- Barnes, Geoffrey 4
- Farmer, Ken 4
- Lee, Mary, 1821-1909 4
- Buckingham Palace (London, England) 3
- Chauvel, Henry George, Sir, 1865-1945 3
- Hardy, Arthur, 1817-1909 3
- Hawker, James C. (James Collins), 1821-1901 3
- Howard, Grace Montgomery, 1833-1910 3
- Hughes, W. M. (William Morris), 1862-1952 3
- May (Family) 3
- Smith, Ross MacPherson, Sir, 1892-1922 3
- Addison, Sydney Wentworth, 1886-1963 2
- Borton, Amyas Eden, Air Vice-Marshall, 1886-1969 2
- Catholic Church 2
- Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924 2
- Creed, Noel Bramwell 2
- Crosby, Matthew Henry 2
- Dewdney, Richard, 1842-1924 2
- Fysh, Hudson, Sir, 1895-1974 2
- Giles, Alfred, -1931 2
- Gliddon, Arthur W 2
- Gouger, Robert, 1802-1846 2
- Haining, Robert, Rev 2
- Hussey, Len, correspondent 2
- Kekwick, William Darton, 1822-1872 2
- Kerr, Colin, 1912-1982 2
- Krichauff, Mimi 2
- Light, William, 1786-1839 2
- Marshall, Dorothy 2
- Mawson, Douglas, Sir, 1882-1958 2
- Menzies, Robert, Sir, 1894-1978 2
- Murdoch, Keith Arthur, Sir, 1885-1952 2
- Price, A. Grenfell (Archibald Grenfell), 1892-1977 2
- Ridgway, Richard Thomas, 1868-1939 2
- Salmond, William Geoffrey Hanson, 1878-1933 2
- South Australia. Department of Civil Defence 2
- Stuart, John McDouall, 1815-1866 2
- Taylor, Frances 2
- Todd, Charles, Sir, 1826-1910 2
- Venables, Max, 1922-2009 2
- Windsor, Edward, Duke of, 1894-1972 2
- Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603 1
- 'Advertiser Reader' 1
- Aborigines Advancement League 1
- Adamson, Henry Robert, 1867-1938 1
- Adcock, D.J 1
- Admella Shipwreck Reward and Relief Fund 1
- Air Ministry (London) 1
- Allchurch, Edward, 1828-1917 1
- Angas, George Fife, 1789-1879 1
- Angel, Charles 1
- Anthony, C. L 1
- Apinya 1
- Arscott, William Henry, -1936 1
- Australian Red Cross Society. South Australian Division. Information Bureau correspondent 1
- Avery, Louis Willyama, 1891- 1
- Ayers, Lucy Lockett 1
- Bailey, John, 1801-1864 1
- Barritt, Joseph 1
- Barton 1
- Bayly, William Henry Fox, 1842-1925 1
- Bednall, William Tompson, 1838-1915 1
- Bell, James, 1817-1840 1
- Bernstorff, Ernst 1
- Bickford, William, 1815-1850 1
- Birdwood, William Riddell, Baron, 1865-1951 1
- Birks, Elsie 1
- Birks, Frank 1
- Birks, Frank, 1873-1954 1
- Birks, George Vause, 1815-1858 1
- Birks, John Napier 1
- Blackwell, Felstead & Co 1
- Blick, Andrew, 1842- 1
- Bonnin, Irene, 1884-1971 1
- Bowley, James 1
- Boy Scouts' Association (Australia). South Australian Branch 1
- Boyce, Benjamin 1
- Boykett, T.H 1
- Bradley, Jacob 1
- Brauchin, W. 1
- Bray, Sarah 1
- Bristow, Albert West 1
- Brown, George 1
- Brown, Minna Jackson 1
- Brown, Victor Voules 1
- Browning, George 1
- Bruce, Stanley Melbourne Bruce, Viscount, 1883-1967 1
- Brunskill, George 1
- Bulman, Robert Vernon, 1882-1946 1
- Buring, Leo 1
- Burton, Richard Francis, 1809-1874 1
- Butler, Gerald Villiers, Capt 1
- Cadell, W.A. 1
- Calderwood, Alexander 1
- Carluccio, Salvatore 1
- Chambers, Walter J.P., 1869-1919 1
- Charlton, William 1
- Child, Edward 1
- Chittleborough, James 1
- Claridge, Ralph Elesmere, 1892-1918 1
- Clode, Richard 1
- Cockrum, William 1
- Cole, J.W 1
- Conrad, Herbert Selmar, 1883-1915 1
- Cooper, Ethel, 1871-1961 1
- Copley, Simon Andre 1
- Cornish, John 1
- Cornish, William R 1
- Coudrey, Joseph W 1
- Craddock, Thomas William 1
- Croucher, Mr 1
- Crowder, William Alfred, 1854-1891 1
- Cummings, Hamilton Norman, 1910-1977 1
- Dabinet, Wayne 1
- Dallwitz, John 1
- Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882 1
- Darwin, Kenneth Harold, 1920- 1
- Davidge, James George 1
- Day, E. G. (Edward George), 1810-1893 1
- Day, Elizabeth, 1843-1929 1
- Deacon, William Archer, 1789-1866 1
- Deane, Rachel 1
- Deer, Mary 1
- Dickins, John 1
- Dillon, Sabina 1
- Dodd (Family) 1
- Dodd, Keith Howard Lugano, 1921- 1
- Dodds, Daniel 1
- Donie, Mr 1
- Dorling, William, 1821-1904 1
- Doughty, Charles George 1
- Downer, Alexander, Sir, 1910-1981 1
- Dowsett, Edward 1
- Dowty, Henry 1
- Duncan, Alfred. 1
- Duncan, Handasyde, 1811-1878 1
- Dunk, William Peter, 1838-1924 1
- Dunn, Edward C 1
- Dunphie, Charles, 1902-1999 1
- Elder, Anne A 1
- Elder, Smith & Co 1
- Elliott, James Mason 1
- Ellis, Henry James 1
- Exhibition Sewing Circle 1
- Fairweather (Family) 1
- Firdaws? 1
- Fisher, Andrew, 1862-1928 1
- Fisher, C. B. (Charles Brown), 1818-1908 1
- Fisk, John William, 1847-1932 1
- Forder, Augustus Highmoor, 1830-1917 1
- Foreman, Lizzie, -1944 1
- Fossett, George 1
- Foster, A. W. 1
- Fulton, Agnes 1
- Gemmel, J 1
- Gemmell, Thomas 1
- George VI, King of Great Britain, 1895-1952 1
- Gibbs, Henry Edward 1
- Giles, Henry, 1816-1888 1
- Giles, W 1
- Gill (Family) 1
- Gilles, Osmond, 1788-1866 1
- Gordon, Bruce 1
- Grasby, William 1
- Great Britain. Air Ministry. 1
- Grey, George, Sir, 1812-1898 1
- Hailes, Nathaniel, 1802-1879 1
- Hall, Isaac Palmer 1
- Hamilton, Mr 1
- Hancox, William 1
- Hannan, G 1
- Hardy, Herbert Mansell 1
- Hart, John, 1809-1873 1
- Hassall, James 1
- Hawker, George Charles, 1818-1895 1
- Hawkins, Anna 1
- Hay, William, 1875-1945 1
- Hayashi, Gonsuke, Baron, 1860-1939 1
- Haywood, C 1
- Henderson, James, 1821-1903 1
- Hilbig, Eduard Paul, 1848-1934 1
- Hill, Lance, 1902-1986 1
- Hoare, Percival E., (Percival Edward), 1842-1904 1
- Holmes, Charles 1
- Honourable Company of Air Pilots 1
- Honours list extracts 1
- Hood, J.H 1
- Horrocks (Family) 1
- Horrocks, Ann, 1818-1874 1
- Howard, John Gilmore, 1893-1973 1
- Howitt, William, 1792-1879 1
- Hughes, Herbert Bristow 1
- Hughes, John James, 1875-1962 1
- Hussein ibn Ali al-Hashimi, 1854-1931 1
- Hutchinson, Richard 1
- Hutton, Arthur Sydney 1
- Independent Order of Rechabites Friendly Society. South Australian District, No.81 1
- Japan. Embassy. (Great Britain) 1
- Jarman (Family) 1
- Jeffery, George Frederick 1
- Jenner, Arthur Samuel James, 1895-1964 1
- Jensen, John 1
- Johnson, Thomas 1
- Kelly, D. G 1
- Kelly, John 1
- Kelly, W. S. (William Stanley), 1882-1969 1
- Kennedy, James 1
- Key, Benjamin 1
- King, Stephen, 1841-1915 1
- Klem, George, 1823-1901 1
- Knill, W. 1
- Knox, W. R. (William Robert), 1861-1933 1
- Kuchel, Nell 1
- Labatt, Charles Bell 1
- Labatt, George Augustus 1
- Langsford, William 1
- Laurence, T. E. (Thomas Edward), 1888-1935 1
- Le Sauvage, John Thomas Martin 1
- Leader, Henry Francis 1
- Leditschke, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm, 1861-1923 1
- Legge, William Wallace 1
- Lendon, Alfred Austin, 1857-1935 1
- Levick, James, 1815- 1
- Lewis, Lancelot Ashley, 1885-1938 1
- Leworthy (Family) 1
- Lindsay, George 1
- Littlemore, Moses 1
- Lockwood, Douglas, 1918-1980 1
- Longley, Graham 1
- Loveday, Ron, author 1
- Lovely, Thomas 1
- Lucas, William Arthur, 1853-1939 1
- Lulham, Dr 1
- MacDonald, Mr 1
- Macewan, N.D.K. 1
- Mackenzie, C. M. 1
- Mackie, John, 1816-1883 1
- Madhar, A.M. 1
- Magor, Ernest Howard 1
- Mander-Jones, Phyllis, 1896-1984 1
- Manning, Francis 1
- Marsden, Charles, -1921 1
- Masters, Charles, -1866 1
- Matthews, George Campbell 1
- Mawson, Douglas, Sir, 1882-1958. 1
- May, Hugh C 1
- McBean, Jack 1
- McDougall, James Gilbert, -1892 1
- McGregor, Robert 1
- McLaren, Melvin Donald, 1922-1998 1
- Mease, Mary 1
- Medlin, Brian, 1927-2004 1
- Meikle, Alexander Jamieson, 1869-1954 1
- Melba, Nellie, Dame, 1861-1931 1
- Miell, Isaac 1
- Military Aeronautical Department of Siam 1
- Mills, Samuel, -1872 1
- Moncrieff, Alex B. (Alexander Bain), 1845-1928 1
- Morphy, Arthur R. C. 1
- Mottistone, John Edward Bernard Seely, Baron, 1868-1947 1
- Mount Gambier Agricultural and Horticultural Societ 1
- Mowbray, Brian 1
- Mundon, Sarah 1
- Mundy, James Wallace, 1894-1982 1
- Murray (Family) 1
- National Aeronautical and Space Administration 1
- Nelson, Horatio Nelson Viscount, 1758-1805 1
- Nixon, Henry, 1805-1843 1
- Noack (Family) 1
- Norman, Sarah, Mrs 1
- Norman, William, 1814-1907 1
- Oxer (Family) 1
- Peake, Archibald Henry, 1859-1920 1
- Pearson, W.B 1
- Pendlebury, Major, correspondent 1
- Perry, Alfred, -1889 1
- Phillips, J 1
- Phitsanulokprachanat, Prince, son of Chulalongkorn, King of Siam, 1882-1920 1
- Pickering, Samuel, -1874 1
- Pigouchet, Philippe 1
- Platford, George Eric, 1883-1938 1
- Pocock, Esther 1
- Pointon, James, 1821-1880 1
- Polkinghorne, Leonora Ethel, 1873-1953 1
- Pontifex, Alfred Price 1
- Price, Charles, 1805-1886 1
- Priest (Family) 1
- Purling, William 1
- Raymont, Mary Elizabeth, 1847-1940 1
- Rechner, Reginald Max, 1913-1993 1
- Render, James, -1866 1
- Renner, Fredeick Emil, -1893 1
- Richards, William, 1796-1866 1
- Ridley, John, 1806-1887 1
- Roberts (Family) 1
- Ross, Joyce 1
- Rowe, J. P. 1
- Roy Mellish 1
- Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain) 1
- Rumbelow, Malen 1
- Rutt, Walter, -1924 1
- Salmond, Geoffrey H. 1
- Sampson, Hannah 1
- Seamons (Family) 1
- Searcy, Alfred, 1854-1925 1
- Searle, Cooper 1
- Shaw, Archibald 1
- Siekmann, Francis Heinrich Ernst, 1830-1917 1
- Smith, Andrew Bell, 1851-1924 1
- Smith, Clarence Herbert, 1855-1901 1
- Smyth, John Thomas, 1846-1928 1
- South Australian Company 1
- South Australian Company. South Australian Office 1
- South Australian Red Cross Information Bureau 1
- Spence, Catherine Helen, 1825-1910 1
- Spencer, William Frederick 1
- Spender, Percy, Sir, 1897-1985 1
- Stanes, Henry James, 1819-1877 1
- Stewart, Duncan 1
- Stockdale, Robert 1
- Stocks, Samuel 1
- Stow, Thomas Quinton, 1801-1862 1
- Swan, H. C. (Henry Charles), 1834-1908 1
- Swan, Miles, 1875-1968 1
- Sykes, Frederick Hugh, Sir, 1877- 1
- Sykes, Frederick Hugh, Sir, 1877-1954 1
- Symon (Family) 1
- Symons (Family) 1
- Taylor, William 1
- Temple, William 1
- Terry, Madge 1
- The United Cable Service (Australasia) 1
- Thomas, Mary, 1787-1875 1
- Thompson, D. N. 1
- Tilley, Gaynor 1
- Tilley, Harold 1
- Tinline, George, 1815-1895 1
- Torrens, Robert, Sir, 1814-1884 1
- Townsend, G. W. L, 1896-1962 1
- Trangmar, James 1
- Treloar, Francis, 1823-1890 1
- Trenchard, Hugh, 1873-1956 1
- Truss, J.E. 1
- Upatissa 1
- Usher, T. 1
- Verney, Janette, 1889-1982 1
- Wake, Jesse 1
- Wakeham, Roger, 1854-1926 1
- Walker, George 1
- Wallace, Alex 1
- Warburton, M.E 1
- Ward, A. G. 1
- Warner, Joseph James 1
- Warren, George, 1820-1895 1
- Waterhouse, Frederick George 1815-1898 1
- Weaver, Jane 1
- Webb, Henry Enos 1
- Webb, Louie 1
- Webling, Alfred Charles, 1837-1931 1
- Webster, Samuel 1843- 1
- Welch, Emily M 1
- Wells, Percy Middleton, 1878-1959 1
- Wells, William 1
- Wemyss, Eleanor 1
- Whitaker, H 1
- White, Edmund 1
- White, Thomas, Sir, 1888-1957 1
- Whitford, John 1
- Wilson, Alfred, 1819-1889 1
- Wilson, Charles Algernon, 1818-1884 1
- Wilson, Roland, Sir, 1904-1996 1
- Wood, Frederick 1
- Worthington, William S 1
- Wright, G.S. 1
- Yandell (Family) 1
- de Mole, Lancelot Eldin, 1880-1950 1
Show More - Date...
- 1919 55
- 1916 15
- 1918 12
- 1915 8
- 1919-1920 8
- 1838 7
- 1853 7
- 1914 7
- 1836 6
- 1849 6
- 1850 6
- 1852 6
- 1945 6
- 1860 5
- 1916-1918 5
- 1917 5
- 13/04/1922 4
- 1837 4
- 1845 4
- 1851 4
- 1853-1854 4
- 1854 4
- 1872 4
- 1874 4
- 1876 4
- 1894 4
- 1901 4
- 1914-1918 4
- 1915-1919 4
- 1944 4
- 1967 4
- ca. 1942 4
- 10/12/1919 3
- 12/01/1955 3
- 12/11/1919 3
- 1839 3
- 1840 3
- 1843 3
- 1847 3
- 1848-1849 3
- 1864 3
- 1865 3
- 1866 3
- 1873 3
- 1921 3
- 1941 3
- 1942 3
- 1943 3
- ca. 1916 3
- 11/05/1917 2
- 12 July 1955 2
- 13/01/1922 2
- 14/04/1922 2
- 15th century 2
- 1836-1838 2
- 1839-1840 2
- 1840-1841 2
- 1841 2
- 1844 2
- 1849-1850 2
- 1855 2
- 1859 2
- 1859-1860 2
- 1862 2
- 1864-1866 2
- 1871-1872 2
- 1874-1875 2
- 1875 2
- 1879 2
- 1884 2
- 1888 2
- 1895 2
- 1896 2
- 1899 2
- 1900 2
- 1911 2
- 1915-1917 2
- 1915-1918 2
- 1917 May 9 2
- 1918 August 22 2
- 1918-1919 2
- 1921-1922 2
- 1922 2
- 1924 2
- 1930 2
- 1942-1945 2
- 1946 2
- 1966 2
- 2001 2
- 22/04/1922 2
- 3/12/1919 2
- [approximately 1919] 2
- [ca. 15th century] 2
- ca. 1915 2
- 1 June 1856 1
- 1/08/1950 1
- 1/09/1919 1
- 1/11/1919 1
- 10 May 1920 1
- 10 September 1920 1
- 10/07/1927 1
- 11/05/1917 and 26/03/1918 1
- 11/06/1953 1
- 11/11/1938 1
- 11/12/1944 1
- 11/14/1958 1
- 11/7/1919 1
- 11/7/1958 1
- 12 January, 1848 1
- 12 October 1920 1
- 12/1/1955 1
- 12/11/1921 1
- 13/01/1959 1
- 13/03/1923 1
- 13/11/1919 1
- 14/04/1920 1
- 14/07/1927 1
- 1488-1518 1
- 15 March 1919 1
- 15/03/1920 1
- 17/04/1967 1
- 1701 (Samvat Era 1644) 1
- 1782 1
- 18 and 29 November 1919 1
- 18/04/1922 1
- 18/12/1918 1
- 18/12/1919 1
- 1818-1839 1
- 1832-1835 1
- 1833-1836 1
- 1834-1835 1
- 1836 and updated 1855 1
- 1836, 1838 1
- 1838-1839 1
- 1838-1839, 1891 1
- 1838-1840 1
- 1838-1845 1
- 1838-1850 1
- 1838-1851 1
- 1838-1854 1
- 1838-1868 1
- 1838-1920 1
- 1839, 1843-1845 1
- 1839-1841 1
- 1840-1853 1
- 1841-1845 1
- 1841-1852 1
- 1841-1867 1
- 1842 1
- 1842, 1848-1849 1
- 1842-1846 1
- 1842-1862 1
- 1842-1879 1
- 1843-1844 1
- 1843-1845 1
- 1845-1850 1
- 1846 1
- 1846-1848 1
- 1848 1
- 1848-1863 1
- 1848-1872 1
- 1849-1882 1
- 185-? 1
- 1850-1851 1
- 1851-1852 1
- 1851-1872 1
- 1852, 1872 1
- 1852-1855 1
- 1852-1858 1
- 1852-1865 1
- 1852-1870 1
- 1853-1887 1
- 1854-1855, 1864-1867 1
- 1854-1860 1
- 1855-1897 1
- 1856 1
- 1856-1857 1
- 1857-1858 1
- 1857-1858, 1860 1
- 1858 1
- 1861-1862 1
- 1861-1870 1
- 1862-1863 1
- 1862-1864, 1892 1
- 1862-1900 1
- 1864, 1869 1
- 1864-1865 1
- 1865-1872 1
- 1866-1867 1
- 1867-1868 1
- 1868-1870 1
- 1869 1
- 1869, 1870-1871, 1873-1874 1
- 1870 1
- 1871-1873 1
- 1872-1877 1
- 1873-1876 1
- 1876, 1880 1
- 1877-1881 1
- 1878, 1883 1
- 1878-1879 1
- 1881 1
- 1881, 1897 1
- 1883-1901 1
- 1884, 1886 1
- 1885, [date of production not identified] 1
- 1885-1886 1
- 1886 1
- 1886-1887 1
- 1887 1
- 1889 1
- 1892, 1911 1
- 1893-1897 1
- 1894, 1897 1
- 1894-1895 1
- 1894-1897 1
- 1896-1905 1
- 1897 1
- 1898 1
- 19/04/1922 1
- 19/07/1920 1
- 19/11/1919 1
- 1900-1901 1
- 1900-1902 1
- 1902 1
- 1904 1
- 1907? 1
- 1909 1
- 1911 February 1 1
- 1915 July 25 1
- 1915 November 16 1
- 1915 October 31 1
- 1915-1916 1
- 1916 August 19 1
- 1916 December 22 1
- 1916-1917 1
- 1916-1919 1
- 1917 April 16 1
- 1917 April 23 1
- 1917 April 27 1
- 1917 April 8 1
- 1917 August 25 1
- 1917 February 16 1
- 1917 February 20 1
- 1917 February 8 1
- 1917 January 1
- 1917 January 1 1
- 1917 January 12 1
- 1917 January 15 1
- 1917 January 17 1
- 1917 January 20 1
- 1917 January 28 1
- 1917 July 1
- 1917 July 20 1
- 1917 June 21 1
- 1917 June 30 1
- 1917 March 1
- 1917 March 1 1
- 1917 March 11 1
- 1917 March 28 1
- 1917 March 29 1
- 1917 May 17 1
- 1917 May 23 1
- 1917 May 4 1
- 1917 October 29 1
- 1917-1918 1
- 1917-1921 1
- 1918 August 11 1
- 1918 December 10 1
- 1918 December 2 1
- 1918 July 30 1
- 1918 July 7 1
- 1918 June 1
- 1918 June 15 1
- 1918 March 12 1
- 1918 March 29 1
- 1918 March 31 1
- 1918 May 17 1
- 1918 May 29 1
- 1918 November 12 1
- 1918 November 28 1
- 1918 October 24 1
- 1918 October 7 1
- 1918 September 20 1
- 1918 September 24 1
- 1918 September 27 1
- 1919 December 10 1
- 1919 December 13 1
- 1919 December 2 1
- 1919 November 24 1
- 1919-1922 1
- 1920 April 18 1
- 1920 April 7 1
- 1920 February 27 1
- 1920 June 6 1
- 1921 July 21 1
- 1921 June 15 1
- 1922 January 17 1
- 1922 March 27 1
- 1924-1928 1
- 1924-1956 1
- 1925 February 3 1
- 1928 August 18 1
- 1928-1938 1
- 1930 January 6 1
- 1931 1
- 1933 1
- 1933 October 12 1
- 1933-1955 1
- 1934 July 16 1
- 1935-1936 1
- 1936-1941 1
- 1937-1948 1
- 1939 1
- 1939-1945 1
- 1943-1946 1
- 1945-1946 1
- 1948 August 1
- 1949 1
- 1949-1955 1
- 1950 1
- 1954 1
- 1956 1
- 1963 1
- 1967-1968 1
- 1967-1969 1
- 1967-1970 1
- 1967-1971 1
- 1978 1
- 1979 1
- 1982 1
- 1994 1
- 1995 1
- 1998 1
- 2 August, 1848 1
- 2/01/1920 1
- 2/03/1920 1
- 2/06/1920 1
- 2/06/1945 1
- 20 September 1920 1
- 20/12/1919 1
- 21/08/1918 1
- 22 November, 1569 1
- 22 and 25 November 1919 1
- 23 December 1837 1
- 23/05/1917 1
- 23/11/1919 1
- 24-28 November 1919 1
- 24/02/1920 1
- 24/04/1922 1
- 24/12/1917 1
- 25 January 1920 1
- 25/10/1920 1
- 25/11/1919 1
- 25/11/1961 1
- 26 November 1919 1
- 26 September 1852 1
- 26/03/1920 1
- 27/09/1918 1
- 27/12/1919 1
- 28/04/1920 1
- 28/04/1967 1
- 28/09/1921 1
- 29 January 1798 1
- 29/04/1967 1
- 3/03/1921 1
- 3/05/1971 1
- 30 March 1883 1
- 30/08/1933 1
- 30/11/1919 1
- 31 December 1848 1
- 4 January, 1848 1
- 4/09/1918 1
- 4/11/1919 1
- 4/14/04/1922 1
- 6/06/1918 1
- 6/07/1927 1
- 6/10/1921 1
- 7 March 1893 1
- 7/03/1939 1
- 7/05/1920 1
- 7/06/1921 1
- 8 November 1841 1
- 9 September 1920 1
- 9/05/1967 1
- 9/12/1921 1
- Apr-20 1
- April 1922 1
- Late 13th century 1
- November 1941 1
- September 1839 1
- [18--?] 1
- [approximately 1900] 1
- [ca. 1850] 1
- [ca. 9th/10th century] 1
- [ca. early 11th century] 1
- approximately 1842 1
- approximately 1849-1858 1
- approximately 1888-1893 1
- approximately 1900 1
- approximately 1916 1
- approximately 1920 1
- approximately 1970 1
- c. 1872 1
- c. 1919 1
- c. 1967 1
- ca. 1918 1
- ca. 1941 1
- ca. 1943 1
- ca. 1945 1
- ca. 400 1
- ca.1844-1850 1
- ca.1878-1893 1
- ca.1900 1
- ca.1915 1
- ca.1918 1
Show More
- Creator...
- Map or Plan156
- Object224
- Creator...
- Independent Order of Rechabites. South Australian District, No.81 15
- Australian Natives' Association 2
- Bray, J.J. (John Jefferson), 1912-1995 2
- Knoblauch, Peter 2
- Longley, Graham 2
- SA Invalid Club 2
- Wytt Morro & Son 2
- 5KA 1
- Afford, Thelma, 1908-1996 1
- Anderson & Brooker 1
- Arko Chile 1
- Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix Office 1
- Billiatt, John William, 1842-1919 1
- Blackie and Son 1
- Bradman, Donald, Sir, 1908-2001 1
- Cary, John, ca. 1754-1835 1
- Chad Valley Toys 1
- Cormack, Neil W 1
- Ernst Bohne & Sons 1
- Evans, Smith 1
- Frith, John, 1906-2000 artist 1
- G. & R. Wills & Co. 1
- GM Holden Ltd 1
- Groves, Philip Walter 1892-1917 1
- Holden & Frost (Firm) 1
- Illingworth, Nelson, 1862-1926 1
- John Sands Pty Ltd 1
- Kraus, August 1
- Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows Friendly Society 1
- Mercer, Norman 1
- Michell, Lottie, 1879-1966 1
- National [Game Company] 1
- Newton, T 1
- Norwood Football Club 1
- Oxer (Family) 1
- Penfolds Wines Pty. Ltd 1
- Polis, K. P., artist 1
- Shell Australia 1
- Spence, Catherine Helen, 1825-1910 1
- Trengove, Arthur M. 1
- Unbranded 1
- Various 1
- Webley and Scott Limited 1
Show More - Title...
- Bradman Toby jug 3
- Don Bradman's South Australian team blazer 2
- Graphic design for wine cask 2
- Wooden honour roll 2
- 'Samples' of poisonous gases 1
- 1914 Star medal ribbon 1
- 5KA Top Talent Award 1
- A legal constraint 1
- ANZAC commemorative medal 1
- Adelaide United Football Club 'Clapper' 1
- Alice in Wonderland notched card construction & building set 1
- Alphabet letters 1
- Anchor stone puzzle 1
- Antarctica or, The race to the South Pole ... 1
- Anzac Day badge 1915, and 2 gum leaves 1
- Argonauts Club badge and pledge 1
- Australian Bushmen game 1
- Australian Jockey Club Lady's badge 1
- Australian Jockey Club badge 1
- Ball used in a cricket match between Australia and the West Indies, 1931 1
- Ball used in a cricket match between New South Wales and Broken Hill, 1927 1
- Bamboo rain rattle 1
- Bar for medals 1
- Barney E-1 model army tank 1
- Bat used by Don Bradman in scoring 452 not out 1
- Bat used by Don Bradman in scoring his first Test century 1
- Bat used by Don Bradman to score 1,000 runs before the end of May, English tour, 1930 1
- Bat used by Don Bradman to score 334 runs in 1930 1
- Bat used by Don Bradman to score his 100th century in first-class cricket, 1947 1
- Bayko Building set 1
- Billiatt's botanical specimens 1
- Bird's world 1
- Birds' eggs 1
- Bisque and leather doll 1
- Bisque doll 'Elizabeth' 1
- Blackwood book chest presented to Duke and Duchess of York 1
- Blinky Bill tambourine 1
- Boot polish tin 1
- Bound for Berlin 1
- Brick from Ur 1
- British War Medal ribbon 1
- Brownie Junior Camera 1
- Bug catcher 1
- Bust of Edmund Barton 1
- Called to arms 1
- Captain of the Wests badge 1
- Cary's pocket globe agreeable to the latest discoveries 1
- Cast of Sir Donald Bradman's right hand 1
- Ceremonial dress 1
- Child's dress and slippers 1
- Child's piano accordian 1
- Child's wooden paint box 1
- Children's club badges 1
- Clay tablet 1
- Clockwork aeroplane 1
- Clockwork animals 1
- Codeg working model cash register 1
- Collection of bottle tops 1
- Colonel Light's Level 1
- Commonwealth Navy board game 1
- Copper printing plate of J.A. Holden & Co. 1
- Cricket ball presented to Don Bradman in Scotland, 1948 1
- Crystal Palace game 1
- Diecast model cars 1
- Dissected map of India 1
- Doll's house 1
- Don Bradman's Australian team blazer, 1946-1947 1
- Don Bradman's Australian team jumper 1
- Don Bradman's New South Wales team blazer 1
- Don Bradman's cream flannel trousers 1
- Don Bradman's cricket boots 1
- Don Bradman's cricket pads 1
- Drinks table featuring cricket stumps 1
- Dugouts and Trenches 1
- Early risers (Jigsaw puzzle) 1
- Edison 'Fireside' phonograph 1
- Egg laying chicken Easter toy 1
- Embroidered jacket pocket panel 1
- Embroidery of flags commemorating World War One 1
- Emigrant ship puzzle 1
- English embroidered book binding of the 17th century 1
- Euchim war game ; rules for Euchim & six extra games enclosed 1
- European cities 1
- First Don Bradman bat ever made 1
- Folding ruler 1
- Fond wishes to the absent one 1
- Gas mask 1
- General MacArthur Jigsaw Puzzle and original packaging envelope 1
- Geographical recreation, or, A voyage round the habitable globe 1
- German porcelain lidded trinket box 1
- Glenelg Tigers badge 1
- Governor Gawler's warrant and seal 1
- Grand Prix tyre 1
- Hand fan commemorating the first England-Australia flight 1
- Herzogin Cecilie ship model 1
- Holden card game 1
- Honour roll and dispensation of Loyal Morgan Lodge, No. 108 1
- Honour roll of Ark of Safety Tent No. 15 1
- Honour roll of Ark of True Blue Tent No. 54 1
- Honour roll of Ark of unknown Tent 1
- Honour roll of Go Ahead Tent No. 34 1
- Honour roll of Hope of Prospect Tent No. 71 & Harbour of Refuge Tent 1
- Honour roll of Lady Kintore Tent No. 20 1
- Honour roll of Love and Unity Tent No. 18 1
- Honour roll of Princess Irene Tent No. 17 1
- Honour roll of Salem Tent No. 8 1
- Honour roll of Southern Star Tent No. 5 1
- Honour roll of Star of Hope Tent No. 8 1
- Honour roll of True Blue & Lady Tennyson Tent No. 54 1
- Honour roll of Victoria No. 1 1
- Honour roll of Zion Tent No. 11 1
- Honour roll of unknown Tent 1
- Hornby speed boat 1
- Horse-hair wig and storage canister 1
- I am one-eyed 1
- Jack-in-the-box 1
- Janine's spectacles 1
- Jeu instructif d'histoire naturelle des animaux [game] 1
- Jeu joyeux au kangourou 1
- Jim Hanby badge 1
- Kings and Queens of England 1
- Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (Civil) suspension ribbon 1
- Lace collar 1
- Lantern slide projector 1
- Lanyard for Hejaz Order of the Nahda, 4th Class 1
- Leather pouch 1
- Leather satchel 1
- Let's play school 1
- London to Adelaide souvenir 1
- Magarey Medal, 1929 1
- Magarey Medal, 1932 1
- Magic lanterns 1
- Marionettes 1
- Masters Apprentices 'Undecided' snare drum 1
- Masters Apprentices pillowcase 1
- Memory of the departed 1
- Militaria of Frederick Leopold Terrell 1
- Miniature Globe 1
- Miniature bat with facsimile signatures, 1948 1
- Miniature bisque doll 1
- Miniature garden tools 1
- Miniature grand piano 1
- Miss Gertie Campbell 1
- Model of the 'Investigator' 1
- Morse code telegraph set 1
- Music box 1
- Nesting doll sets 1
- North Adelaide supporter doll 1
- Norwood Football Club badge 1
- Norwood Football Club guernsey 1
- POW Camp money token 1
- Panorama of London, or, a day's journey round the metropolis 1
- Penfolds medal 1
- Phone Friends 1
- Piece of hide from Governor Hindmarsh's cow 1
- Pistol 1
- Plaster and wire animal set 1
- Port Adelaide Football Club badge 1
- Port Adelaide Football Club guernsey 1
- Port Adelaide Football Club sticker 1
- Queen of football badge 1
- Race to the gold diggings of Australia 1
- Racing toys and games 1
- Radio club badges and pins 1
- Replica of a Buddhist temple at Kandy 1
- Richter's Anchor Stone Building set 1
- Robinson Crusoe and England and Wales dissected puzzle 1
- Rockin' at the Hi-Fi Club 1
- Rocking h
- Creator...