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Add- Edit this tagDawson
- Edit this tagPeterborough
- Edit this tagIreland
- Edit this tagWedding of paternal grandparents Grandmothers Irish fairy stories
- Edit this tagEyre Peninsula
- Edit this tagFamily move to Eyre Peninsula
- Edit this tagWallaroo
- Edit this tagKoppio
- Edit this tagFather Patrick John Liddy
- Edit this tagTumby Bay
- Edit this tagYallunda Flat
- Edit this tagJames Marshall dept store Myer takeover 1928
- Edit this tagVisit to Adelaide 1912
- Edit this tagGovernment House North Terrace
- Edit this tagRMS Rupara Steamship built 1906
- Edit this tagTumby Bay
- Edit this tagCowell
- Edit this tagWallaroo
- Edit this tagPort Adelaide
- Edit this tagPort Lincoln
- Edit this tagWandana steamship built 1913
- Edit this tagMorialta steamship built 1940
- Edit this tagMother Katherine Frances OLoughlin
- Edit this tagMinora
- Edit this tagParents and siblings
- Edit this tagKimba
- Edit this tagWudinna
- Edit this tagKyancutta
- Edit this tagTumby Bay Hospital
- Edit this tagPaternal grandfather
- Edit this tagKoppio
- Edit this tagIreland
- Edit this tagCountry Clare Ireland
- Edit this tagEnnis County Clare Ireland
- Edit this tagPaternal grandmother
- Edit this tagIreland
- Edit this tagPaternal grandparents
- Edit this tagEyre Peninsula
- Edit this tagPort Lincoln
- Edit this tagElliston
- Edit this tagStreaky Bay
- Edit this tagYallunda Flat
- Edit this tagKoppio
- Edit this tagWW1
- Edit this tagWW1
- Edit this tagMethodists
- Edit this tagIrish diaspora interest in Ireland
- Edit this tagDavid Lloyd George
- Edit this tagBonar Law former UK PM 1922 to 1923
- Edit this tagEdward Carson 1854 to 1935
- Edit this tagHome rule Self government
- Edit this tagGrandparents illiteracy
- Edit this tagFamily discipline
- Edit this tagGrandmothers stories of Ireland
- Edit this tagTumby Bay
- Edit this tagYallunda Flat
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagEyre Peninsula
- Edit this tagPort Lincoln
- Edit this tagCaring for the elderly
- Edit this tagClare
- Edit this tagExtended family care
- Edit this tagTumby Bay
- Edit this tagEyre Peninsula
- Edit this tagExtended family get togethers
- Edit this tagShooting with father in bush
- Edit this tagKeeping up appearances
- Edit this tagKeeping up appearances
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagLosing Irish accent
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagTumby Bay
- Edit this tagAwareness of economic standing and class
- Edit this tagElder Smith and Co
- Edit this tagMothers ambition and disappointment
- Edit this tagEyre Peninsula
- Edit this tagYallunda Flat home Unique Irish characteristics
- Edit this tagFather as history buff
- Edit this tagParents opinion of Royal Family vs grandparents opinion
- Edit this tagIreland
- Edit this tagMother helps father working in the paddocks
- Edit this tagCourting customs
- Edit this tagHousehold animals
- Edit this tagFarm Initial clearing process
- Edit this tagFarm work
- Edit this tagFarm work
- Edit this tagFarm knowledge at a young age
- Edit this tagWudinna
- Edit this tagKyancutta
- Edit this tagYoung men working and living on the farm
- Edit this tagSchool days
- Edit this tagYallunda Flat
- Edit this tagHousehold water
- Edit this tagEncounter Bay
- Edit this tagFood and meals
- Edit this tagFamily discipline
- Edit this tagSchool days at Yallunda Flat
- Edit this tagTumby Bay school
- Edit this tagFamily reading and books
- Edit this tagSouthern Cross Catholic Isish and general newspaper founded 1889
- Edit this tagThe Cloister and the hearth by Charles Reade 1861
- Edit this tagYallunda Flat school days
- Edit this tagLeaving school
- Edit this tagTumby
- Edit this tagLocal Institute
- Edit this tagPort Licoln
- Edit this tagHawkers
- Edit this tagTumby Bay
- Edit this tagYallunda Flat
- Edit this tagLocal ethnic groups and visitors
- Edit this tagLocal Germans
- Edit this tagConscription Referenda Oct 1916 and Dec 1917
- Edit this tagWW1
- Edit this tag1914 drought
- Edit this tagFamily farm bankruptcy due to drought
- Edit this tagPort Lincoln
- Edit this tagKimba
- Edit this tagWhites River
- Edit this tagFathers new railway job
- Edit this tagFathers railway job
- Edit this tagUngarra
- Edit this tagMoody
- Edit this tagKyancutta
- Edit this tagWudinna
- Edit this tagWork after leaving school before nursing
- Edit this tagTumby Bay
- Edit this tagBank of Adelaide
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagDaily routine with work for the Monfries
- Edit this tagTumby Bay
- Edit this tagIrish accent
- Edit this tagYorke Peninsula
- Edit this tagCurramulka
- Edit this tagSocial activities during workat Monfries years
- Edit this tagSaint Columbus Hall Hawthorn
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagWorking for the Monfries in Adelaide
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagTumby Bay
- Edit this tagAmy Eliza Castles Soprano 1880 to 1951
- Edit this tagTumby Bay house
- Edit this tagTrip to Adelaide
- Edit this tagRMS Rupara
- Edit this tagKangaroo Island
- Edit this tagYorke Peninsula
- Edit this tagPort Adelaide
- Edit this tagAlthorpes
- Edit this tagFirst impressions of Adelaide
- Edit this tagCarrumulka
- Edit this tagJames Marshall Department store
- Edit this tagJohn Martins department store
- Edit this tagGovernment House North Terrace
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagKingswood
- Edit this tagCambridge tce Kingswood
- Edit this tagTumby Bay
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagNew Guinea
- Edit this tagKingswood
- Edit this tagSocial activities in Adelaide
- Edit this tagKingswood Catholic church
- Edit this tagUnley
- Edit this tagParkside
- Edit this tagGladys Moncrieff Australian singer1892 to 1976
- Edit this tagKatinka operetta 1915
- Edit this tagMaytime musical 1917
- Edit this tagTheatre Royal Hindley Street
- Edit this tagKingswood
- Edit this tagReturn to Eyre Peninsula
- Edit this tagSocial activities back at home
- Edit this tagTumby Bay
- Edit this tagEyre Peninsula house
- Edit this tagLocal afternoon teas
- Edit this tagLearning music
- Edit this tagBecoming a nurse
- Edit this tagTumby Bay hospital
- Edit this tagFamily illness when a child
- Edit this tagHome remedies
- Edit this tagWorking at Tumby Bay Hospital
- Edit this tagA return verandah
- Edit this tagHospital training details
- Edit this tagSouth Terrace
- Edit this tagSocial life and home life during nursing
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagMove to Adelaide continuing training
- Edit this tagWandana steamer built 1913
- Edit this tagGrosvenor Hotel North terrace
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagEleanor Harrold building Frome road
- Edit this tagInitial work in a hospital
- Edit this tagMareeba Babies Hospital Woodville 1917 to 1960
- Edit this tagAdelaide Hospital Consumptive home North terrace Closed 1930
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagHospital hierarchy
- Edit this tagTraining and lectures
- Edit this tagTumby Bay cf Adelaide training
- Edit this tagRoyal British Nurses Association
- Edit this tagQueen Victoria Hospital North Adelaide 1902 to 1989
- Edit this tagRoyal British Nurses Association
- Edit this tagRBNA 12 Dequetteville tce Kentown
- Edit this tagMurray Bridge
- Edit this tagOrroroo
- Edit this tagMount Gambier
- Edit this tagEarly cases with RBNA
- Edit this tagPort Adelaide
- Edit this tagCrystal Brook
- Edit this tagLourde Valley
- Edit this tagNursing terminal patients
- Edit this tagMarriage expectations pressures
- Edit this tagPost 1930 career
- Edit this tagWW2
- Edit this tagThe Depression
- Edit this tagLeaving Royal British Nurses Association
- Edit this tagWoodside
- Edit this tagRAH
- Edit this tagLeaving Army medical
- Edit this tagCleve hospital North Tce Cleve
- Edit this tagWudinna Hospital Richards Ave Wudinna
- Edit this tagWayville
- Edit this tag105 Adelaide Military Hospital Springbank
- Edit this tagDaws road
- Edit this tagWW1
- Edit this tagWakefield street
- Edit this tagCudmore house
- Edit this tagDaw Park
- Edit this tagAustralian Medical Army Nursing Corps
- Edit this tagRAH
- Edit this tagBacchus Marsh Victoria
- Edit this tagBecoming a Nurse teacher
- Edit this tagPost WW2 career
- Edit this tagWakefield street hospital
- Edit this tagTumby Bay
- Edit this tagUnley Private Hospital
- Edit this tagWalford Junior School Unley road Hyde Park
- Edit this tagUnley road
- Edit this tagMatthew 6 34
- Edit this tagSchooling
- Edit this tagAnne Liddy birth
- Edit this tag1904 3 Generations of family exdous of Upper North SA to Eyre Peninsula
- Edit this tagleave school to become a railway ganger
- Edit this tagTumby Bay District Hospital
- Edit this tagAdelaide Hospital
- Edit this tagRoyal British Nurses Association
- Edit this tagarranged marriage between her grandparents
- Edit this tagdrought
- Edit this tagBirth of her grandfather in 1842 and his arrival in SA at age 20
- Edit this tagStory about Big Pooka told by her grandmother
Linked To
Oral history
- Interview with Anne Angela Liddy [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 1 of 8
- Interview with Anne Angela Liddy [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 2 of 8
- Interview with Anne Angela Liddy [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 3 of 8
- Interview with Anne Angela Liddy [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 4 of 8
- Interview with Anne Angela Liddy [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 5 of 8
- Interview with Anne Angela Liddy [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 6 of 8
- Interview with Anne Angela Liddy [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 7 of 8
- Interview with Anne Angela Liddy [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 8 of 8
Interview with Anne Angela Liddy [transcript] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson
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Wedding of paternal grandparents Grandmothers Irish fairy stories
Eyre Peninsula
Family move to Eyre Peninsula
Father Patrick John Liddy
Tumby Bay
Yallunda Flat
James Marshall dept store Myer takeover 1928
Visit to Adelaide 1912
Government House North Terrace
RMS Rupara Steamship built 1906
Tumby Bay
Port Adelaide
Port Lincoln
Wandana steamship built 1913
Morialta steamship built 1940
Mother Katherine Frances OLoughlin
Parents and siblings
Tumby Bay Hospital
Paternal grandfather
Country Clare Ireland
Ennis County Clare Ireland
Paternal grandmother
Paternal grandparents
Eyre Peninsula
Port Lincoln
Streaky Bay
Yallunda Flat
Irish diaspora interest in Ireland
David Lloyd George
Bonar Law former UK PM 1922 to 1923
Edward Carson 1854 to 1935
Home rule Self government
Grandparents illiteracy
Family discipline
Grandmothers stories of Ireland
Tumby Bay
Yallunda Flat
Eyre Peninsula
Port Lincoln
Caring for the elderly
Extended family care
Tumby Bay
Eyre Peninsula
Extended family get togethers
Shooting with father in bush
Keeping up appearances
Keeping up appearances
Losing Irish accent
Tumby Bay
Awareness of economic standing and class
Elder Smith and Co
Mothers ambition and disappointment
Eyre Peninsula
Yallunda Flat home Unique Irish characteristics
Father as history buff
Parents opinion of Royal Family vs grandparents opinion
Mother helps father working in the paddocks
Courting customs
Household animals
Farm Initial clearing process
Farm work
Farm work
Farm knowledge at a young age
Young men working and living on the farm
School days
Yallunda Flat
Household water
Encounter Bay
Food and meals
Family discipline
School days at Yallunda Flat
Tumby Bay school
Family reading and books
Southern Cross Catholic Isish and general newspaper founded 1889
The Cloister and the hearth by Charles Reade 1861
Yallunda Flat school days
Leaving school
Local Institute
Port Licoln
Tumby Bay
Yallunda Flat
Local ethnic groups and visitors
Local Germans
Conscription Referenda Oct 1916 and Dec 1917
1914 drought
Family farm bankruptcy due to drought
Port Lincoln
Whites River
Fathers new railway job
Fathers railway job
Work after leaving school before nursing
Tumby Bay
Bank of Adelaide
Daily routine with work for the Monfries
Tumby Bay
Irish accent
Yorke Peninsula
Social activities during workat Monfries years
Saint Columbus Hall Hawthorn
Working for the Monfries in Adelaide
Tumby Bay
Amy Eliza Castles Soprano 1880 to 1951
Tumby Bay house
Trip to Adelaide
RMS Rupara
Kangaroo Island
Yorke Peninsula
Port Adelaide
First impressions of Adelaide
James Marshall Department store
John Martins department store
Government House North Terrace
Cambridge tce Kingswood
Tumby Bay
New Guinea
Social activities in Adelaide
Kingswood Catholic church
Gladys Moncrieff Australian singer1892 to 1976
Katinka operetta 1915
Maytime musical 1917
Theatre Royal Hindley Street
Return to Eyre Peninsula
Social activities back at home
Tumby Bay
Eyre Peninsula house
Local afternoon teas
Learning music
Becoming a nurse
Tumby Bay hospital
Family illness when a child
Home remedies
Working at Tumby Bay Hospital
A return verandah
Hospital training details
South Terrace
Social life and home life during nursing
Move to Adelaide continuing training
Wandana steamer built 1913
Grosvenor Hotel North terrace
Eleanor Harrold building Frome road
Initial work in a hospital
Mareeba Babies Hospital Woodville 1917 to 1960
Adelaide Hospital Consumptive home North terrace Closed 1930
Hospital hierarchy
Training and lectures
Tumby Bay cf Adelaide training
Royal British Nurses Association
Queen Victoria Hospital North Adelaide 1902 to 1989
Royal British Nurses Association
RBNA 12 Dequetteville tce Kentown
Murray Bridge
Mount Gambier
Early cases with RBNA
Port Adelaide
Crystal Brook
Lourde Valley
Nursing terminal patients
Marriage expectations pressures
Post 1930 career
The Depression
Leaving Royal British Nurses Association
Leaving Army medical
Cleve hospital North Tce Cleve
Wudinna Hospital Richards Ave Wudinna
105 Adelaide Military Hospital Springbank
Daws road
Wakefield street
Cudmore house
Daw Park
Australian Medical Army Nursing Corps
Bacchus Marsh Victoria
Becoming a Nurse teacher
Post WW2 career
Wakefield street hospital
Tumby Bay
Unley Private Hospital
Walford Junior School Unley road Hyde Park
Unley road
Matthew 6 34
Anne Liddy birth
1904 3 Generations of family exdous of Upper North SA to Eyre Peninsula
leave school to become a railway ganger
Tumby Bay District Hospital
Adelaide Hospital
Royal British Nurses Association
arranged marriage between her grandparents
Birth of her grandfather in 1842 and his arrival in SA at age 20
Story about Big Pooka told by her grandmother
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Liddy, Anne Angela, 1901-1986, Interview with Anne Angela Liddy [transcript] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson. State Library of South Australia, accessed 20/02/2025,