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Add- Edit this tagBrookbank road Lewisham England
- Edit this tagBoer war
- Edit this tagGlenelg
- Edit this tagOuter Harbour
- Edit this tagBrighton road Hove
- Edit this tagArrival in SA Father finds a house
- Edit this tagEngland
- Edit this tagFather Frank James Spinks
- Edit this tagEngland
- Edit this tagGolders Green England
- Edit this tagPaternal Uncles and Aunts
- Edit this tagMaternal Uncles and Aunts
- Edit this tagBrighton road
- Edit this tagMother Ellen Florence Laundy
- Edit this tagLewisham England
- Edit this tagLondon England
- Edit this tagEngland
- Edit this tagParents
- Edit this tagEnglish Army
- Edit this tagSiblings
- Edit this tagEngland
- Edit this tagColonel Light Gardens
- Edit this tagAdelaide Childrens Hospital North Adelaide
- Edit this tagLife in England
- Edit this tagBrighton school SA
- Edit this tagAdelaide Girls High School
- Edit this tagAustralia
- Edit this tagBoer War
- Edit this tagSouth Africa
- Edit this tagMigration Muddle
- Edit this tagSouth Australia
- Edit this tagEngland
- Edit this tagEngland
- Edit this tagOuter Harbour
- Edit this tagRMS Orama steam ocean liner 1911 to 1917
- Edit this tagWW1
- Edit this tagOrient Steam Navigation Co 1797 to 1966
- Edit this tagLeaving England for Australia
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagBrighton
- Edit this tagMorphettville
- Edit this tagVoyage on the RMS Orama to Australia
- Edit this tagOuter Harbour
- Edit this tagFirst impression of Adelaide
- Edit this tagBrighton
- Edit this tagBrighton road
- Edit this tagEngland
- Edit this tagEarly years at Brighton
- Edit this tagMarino
- Edit this tagGlenelg
- Edit this tagTime at Brighton school
- Edit this tagEngland
- Edit this tagAustralia
- Edit this tagUnhappiness as immigrant
- Edit this tagEngland
- Edit this tagAustralia
- Edit this tagTyphoid fever
- Edit this tagAdelaide Childrens Hospital
- Edit this tagBrighton Football Team
- Edit this tagBrighton football club
- Edit this tagGlenelg SANFL football club
- Edit this tagJetty road Glenelg
- Edit this tagFinishing and leaving school
- Edit this tagFatheer heads back to English Army
- Edit this tagEngland
- Edit this tagFrance
- Edit this tagGermany
- Edit this tagFrank A McNeill Photography Gawler Place Adelaide
- Edit this tagMother
- Edit this tagFather
- Edit this tagFamily religion
- Edit this tagChurch of England
- Edit this tagSt Judes Brighton road Brighton est 1854
- Edit this tagFamily behavioral restrictions
- Edit this tag1914 home
- Edit this tagBrighton Hotel Brighton road est 1846
- Edit this tagThatched House Tavern
- Edit this tagWW1
- Edit this tagAustralia
- Edit this tagEngland
- Edit this tagMarino
- Edit this tagKingston Estate
- Edit this tagSouth Australia
- Edit this tagMaternal grandparents
- Edit this tagWW1
- Edit this tagBrighton
- Edit this tagAdelaide to Willunga railway line
- Edit this tagAdelaide to Willunga railway line
- Edit this tagBrighton Railway station built 1913
- Edit this tagLady Kingston Lucy May McCarthy 1854 to1919
- Edit this tagEngland
- Edit this tagJetty road Brighton
- Edit this tagFamily health and sickness
- Edit this tagGlenelg
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagColonel Light Gardens
- Edit this tagYoungest sisters death
- Edit this tagHome remedies
- Edit this tagRoyal Adelaide Show
- Edit this tagMarino
- Edit this tagSpanish Flu 1919
- Edit this tagAustralia
- Edit this tagEngland
- Edit this tagFamily Christmas at grandfathers
- Edit this tagThe shadow of WW1
- Edit this tagHove
- Edit this tagArmistice
- Edit this tagFathers homecoming from war
- Edit this tagOuter Harbor
- Edit this tagLeaving school
- Edit this tagMothers death
- Edit this tagSt Judes Cemetary
- Edit this tagMarino
- Edit this tagThe Depression
- Edit this tagEngland
- Edit this tagHusbands death
- Edit this tagWW2
- Edit this tagFamily money
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagBrighton
- Edit this tagBrighton Town Hall 388 Brighton rd Hove 1869 to 1936
- Edit this tagBrighton Town Hall 388 Brighton rd Hove 1869 to 1936
- Edit this tagSocial activities around Brighton
- Edit this tagMeeting husband
- Edit this tagMeeting husband
- Edit this tagEngland
- Edit this tagBrighton Cement Works est 1882
- Edit this tagSouth Australia
- Edit this tagGetting married
- Edit this tagBrighton Council
- Edit this tagEngland
- Edit this tagAustralia
- Edit this tagSellicks Beach
- Edit this tagSouth Australia
- Edit this tagLevis Motorcycles Birmingham England 1911 to 1940
- Edit this tagMotorbike riding with husband
- Edit this tagMorphettville Racecourse
- Edit this tagAmy Johnson Aviator 1903 to 1941
- Edit this tagBrighton road
- Edit this tagRundle street
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagDarwin
- Edit this tagWestern Australia
- Edit this tagAlice Springs
- Edit this tagPerth
- Edit this tagSouth Australia
- Edit this tagHorse shows in regional South Australia
- Edit this tagYankalilla
- Edit this tagGawler
- Edit this tagMount Compass
- Edit this tagVictor Harbor
- Edit this tagParental Stories about England
- Edit this tagAustralia
- Edit this tagConscription and compulsory military training
- Edit this tagDarwin
- Edit this tagMaralinga
- Edit this tagCoobowie
- Edit this tagSister
- Edit this tagSt Judes Church
- Edit this tagYass Victoria
- Edit this tagRoyal Australian Air Force
- Edit this tagSewing
- Edit this tagSouth Australia
- Edit this tagWhat made an Australian
- Edit this tagEngland
- Edit this tagClass consciousness
- Edit this tagThomas Hardy and Sons founded 1853
- Edit this tagIrish immigrants
- Edit this tagMarion
- Edit this tagCatholic
- Edit this tagCatholic Protestant conflict
- Edit this tagChurch of England
- Edit this tagEngland
- Edit this tagBeing Australian
- Edit this tagHallets Cove
- Edit this tagWillunga
- Edit this tagThe Depression
- Edit this tagChildren
- Edit this tagThe Savings Bank of South Australia 1848 to 1984
- Edit this tagAlice Springs
- Edit this tagWasleys
- Edit this tagGawler
- Edit this tagMasonic Village retirement home
- Edit this tagElderly living with families
- Edit this tagMorphett Vale
- Edit this tagAt age 18
- Edit this tagGlenelg
- Edit this tagEngland
Linked To
Oral history
- Interview with Nellie Maude Norris Root [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 1 of 6
- Interview with Nellie Maude Norris Root [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 2 of 6
- Interview with Nellie Maude Norris Root [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 3 of 6
- Interview with Nellie Maude Norris Root [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 4 of 6
- Interview with Nellie Maude Norris Root [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 5 of 6
- Interview with Nellie Maude Norris Root [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 6 of 6
Interview with Nellie Maude Norris Root [transcript] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson
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Brookbank road Lewisham England
Boer war
Outer Harbour
Brighton road Hove
Arrival in SA Father finds a house
Father Frank James Spinks
Golders Green England
Paternal Uncles and Aunts
Maternal Uncles and Aunts
Brighton road
Mother Ellen Florence Laundy
Lewisham England
London England
English Army
Colonel Light Gardens
Adelaide Childrens Hospital North Adelaide
Life in England
Brighton school SA
Adelaide Girls High School
Boer War
South Africa
Migration Muddle
South Australia
Outer Harbour
RMS Orama steam ocean liner 1911 to 1917
Orient Steam Navigation Co 1797 to 1966
Leaving England for Australia
Voyage on the RMS Orama to Australia
Outer Harbour
First impression of Adelaide
Brighton road
Early years at Brighton
Time at Brighton school
Unhappiness as immigrant
Typhoid fever
Adelaide Childrens Hospital
Brighton Football Team
Brighton football club
Glenelg SANFL football club
Jetty road Glenelg
Finishing and leaving school
Fatheer heads back to English Army
Frank A McNeill Photography Gawler Place Adelaide
Family religion
Church of England
St Judes Brighton road Brighton est 1854
Family behavioral restrictions
1914 home
Brighton Hotel Brighton road est 1846
Thatched House Tavern
Kingston Estate
South Australia
Maternal grandparents
Adelaide to Willunga railway line
Adelaide to Willunga railway line
Brighton Railway station built 1913
Lady Kingston Lucy May McCarthy 1854 to1919
Jetty road Brighton
Family health and sickness
Colonel Light Gardens
Youngest sisters death
Home remedies
Royal Adelaide Show
Spanish Flu 1919
Family Christmas at grandfathers
The shadow of WW1
Fathers homecoming from war
Outer Harbor
Leaving school
Mothers death
St Judes Cemetary
The Depression
Husbands death
Family money
Brighton Town Hall 388 Brighton rd Hove 1869 to 1936
Brighton Town Hall 388 Brighton rd Hove 1869 to 1936
Social activities around Brighton
Meeting husband
Meeting husband
Brighton Cement Works est 1882
South Australia
Getting married
Brighton Council
Sellicks Beach
South Australia
Levis Motorcycles Birmingham England 1911 to 1940
Motorbike riding with husband
Morphettville Racecourse
Amy Johnson Aviator 1903 to 1941
Brighton road
Rundle street
Western Australia
Alice Springs
South Australia
Horse shows in regional South Australia
Mount Compass
Victor Harbor
Parental Stories about England
Conscription and compulsory military training
St Judes Church
Yass Victoria
Royal Australian Air Force
South Australia
What made an Australian
Class consciousness
Thomas Hardy and Sons founded 1853
Irish immigrants
Catholic Protestant conflict
Church of England
Being Australian
Hallets Cove
The Depression
The Savings Bank of South Australia 1848 to 1984
Alice Springs
Masonic Village retirement home
Elderly living with families
Morphett Vale
At age 18
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Root, Nellie Maude Norris, 1906-2000, Interview with Nellie Maude Norris Root [transcript] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson. State Library of South Australia, accessed 17/02/2025,