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- Edit this tagPort Victoria
- Edit this tagMinlaton
- Edit this tagSalisbury
- Edit this tagFather Benjamin Williss Newbold
- Edit this tagDelamere
- Edit this tagYorke Peninsula
- Edit this tagMethodist church
- Edit this tagFather as farmer
- Edit this tagFather as preacher
- Edit this tagWesleyans
- Edit this tagBible Methodists
- Edit this tagWauraltee
- Edit this tagKoolywurtie
- Edit this tagKoolywurtie
- Edit this tagUrania
- Edit this tagMaitland
- Edit this tagMinlaton
- Edit this tagPort Vincent
- Edit this tagCurramulka
- Edit this tagStansbury
- Edit this tagMinlaton
- Edit this tagWauraltee
- Edit this tagMethodist Church
- Edit this tagHarvest Festival
- Edit this tagMaitland
- Edit this tagPrince Alfred College Kent Town
- Edit this tagKoolywurtie
- Edit this tagThe British and Foreign Bible Society founded 1804
- Edit this tagFathers previous marriage
- Edit this tagPaternal grandparents
- Edit this tagMinlaton
- Edit this tagWauraltee
- Edit this tagMother Elizabeth Rebecca Phoebe Illman
- Edit this tagYorke Peninsula
- Edit this tagMinlaton
- Edit this tagMothers character
- Edit this tagYorke Peninsula
- Edit this tagSiblings
- Edit this tagAdopted older sister Dorothea
- Edit this tagPrince Alfred College Old Scholars Week
- Edit this tagWalkerville Childrens home
- Edit this tagFather living with stroke
- Edit this tagAdopted sister Dorrie
- Edit this tagYorke Peninsula
- Edit this tagChildhood home
- Edit this tagWauraltee
- Edit this tagMinlaton
- Edit this tagIll with pneumonia
- Edit this tagMedical treatments of the day
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagMinlaton
- Edit this tagWauraltee
- Edit this tagMethodist church
- Edit this tagPort Victoria
- Edit this tagMinlaton
- Edit this tagFamily religous discipline
- Edit this tagPort Victoria
- Edit this tagLabour Bureau Adelaide
- Edit this tagRed ragger Slang for communist or socialist
- Edit this tagMain produce of farm
- Edit this tagFarm property distribution
- Edit this tagSwaggies
- Edit this tagMilitary Hospital Keswick
- Edit this tagPoint Pearce Mission Station 1868 to 1915
- Edit this tagPoultry on the farm
- Edit this tagFarm horses
- Edit this tagCows and milking
- Edit this tagWauraltee
- Edit this tagMeat from the farm
- Edit this tagChildhood games
- Edit this tagChildren plucking chickens
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagFathers discipline
- Edit this tagSalisbury
- Edit this tagVisiting Adelaide
- Edit this tagMount Gambier
- Edit this tagCoorong
- Edit this tagWomens Christian Temperance rooms
- Edit this tagPort Adelaide
- Edit this tagDentistry of the day
- Edit this tagWW1
- Edit this tagWearing glasses opticians
- Edit this tagYorke Peninsula
- Edit this tagSending for doctor
- Edit this tagSchool days
- Edit this tagPort Broughton
- Edit this tagArbor day
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagBoarding school
- Edit this tagThe Wilderness School Medindie established 1884
- Edit this tagSpanish Flu 1919
- Edit this tagLothian House boarding school Semaphore
- Edit this tagWauraltee
- Edit this tagPort Lincoln
- Edit this tagSemaphore
- Edit this tagJuno streamer 1898 to 1932
- Edit this tagOuter Harbor
- Edit this tagPort Vincent
- Edit this tagHarry Butler
- Edit this tagMinlaton
- Edit this tagVictor Harbor
- Edit this tagElsa Hay Taylor see separate interview
- Edit this tagFathers death
- Edit this tagStansbury
- Edit this tagSalisbury
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagMiddleton street
- Edit this tagYorke Peninsula
- Edit this tagSalisbury
- Edit this tagWauraltee
- Edit this tagMove to Salisbury
- Edit this tagParalowie road
- Edit this tagMethodist church
- Edit this tagGetting to know Salisbury neighbourhood
- Edit this tagMuirden College Grote street Adelaide
- Edit this tagPost Salisbury move work
- Edit this tagCo operative Building Society 1900 to 1992
- Edit this tagPirie street
- Edit this tagJob with solicitor
- Edit this tagStarting at Co op Building Society
- Edit this tagKing William street
- Edit this tagAdelaide Gaol
- Edit this tagMarriage
- Edit this tagSalisbury
- Edit this tagSefton Park
- Edit this tagSalisbury Methodist Church
- Edit this tagSnakes in area
- Edit this tagIce aline
Linked To
Oral history
- Interview with Edna Frost [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 1 of 6
- Interview with Edna Frost [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 2 of 6
- Interview with Edna Frost [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 3 of 6
- Interview with Edna Frost [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 4 of 6
- Interview with Edna Frost [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 5 of 6
- Interview with Edna Frost [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 6 of 6
Interview with Edna Frost [transcript] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson
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Yorke Peninsula
Port Victoria
Father Benjamin Williss Newbold
Yorke Peninsula
Methodist church
Father as farmer
Father as preacher
Bible Methodists
Port Vincent
Methodist Church
Harvest Festival
Prince Alfred College Kent Town
The British and Foreign Bible Society founded 1804
Fathers previous marriage
Paternal grandparents
Mother Elizabeth Rebecca Phoebe Illman
Yorke Peninsula
Mothers character
Yorke Peninsula
Adopted older sister Dorothea
Prince Alfred College Old Scholars Week
Walkerville Childrens home
Father living with stroke
Adopted sister Dorrie
Yorke Peninsula
Childhood home
Ill with pneumonia
Medical treatments of the day
Methodist church
Port Victoria
Family religous discipline
Port Victoria
Labour Bureau Adelaide
Red ragger Slang for communist or socialist
Main produce of farm
Farm property distribution
Military Hospital Keswick
Point Pearce Mission Station 1868 to 1915
Poultry on the farm
Farm horses
Cows and milking
Meat from the farm
Childhood games
Children plucking chickens
Fathers discipline
Visiting Adelaide
Mount Gambier
Womens Christian Temperance rooms
Port Adelaide
Dentistry of the day
Wearing glasses opticians
Yorke Peninsula
Sending for doctor
School days
Port Broughton
Arbor day
Boarding school
The Wilderness School Medindie established 1884
Spanish Flu 1919
Lothian House boarding school Semaphore
Port Lincoln
Juno streamer 1898 to 1932
Outer Harbor
Port Vincent
Harry Butler
Victor Harbor
Elsa Hay Taylor see separate interview
Fathers death
Middleton street
Yorke Peninsula
Move to Salisbury
Paralowie road
Methodist church
Getting to know Salisbury neighbourhood
Muirden College Grote street Adelaide
Post Salisbury move work
Co operative Building Society 1900 to 1992
Pirie street
Job with solicitor
Starting at Co op Building Society
King William street
Adelaide Gaol
Sefton Park
Salisbury Methodist Church
Snakes in area
Ice aline
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Frost, Edna, 1904-1999, Interview with Edna Frost [transcript] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson. State Library of South Australia, accessed 09/02/2025,