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Add- Edit this tagFather John Patrick Francis Matthew
- Edit this tagMother Elizabeth Matthew
- Edit this tag22 Maitland street Mitcham
- Edit this tagMitcham
- Edit this tagAmerica
- Edit this tagTaiwan
- Edit this tagJapan
- Edit this tagSingapore
- Edit this tagEngland
- Edit this tagScotland
- Edit this tagMaitland street home
- Edit this tagBismark lamp
- Edit this tagFather
- Edit this tagKensington
- Edit this tagFathers family
- Edit this tagEngland
- Edit this tagJohn and David Shearer Agricultural machinery
- Edit this tagMannum
- Edit this tagNorwood
- Edit this tagNorth Norwood
- Edit this tagBroken Hill
- Edit this tagMitcham
- Edit this tagPalace Hotel Broken Hill
- Edit this tagBroken Hill
- Edit this tagAmscol
- Edit this tagBeauchamps dairy
- Edit this tagNorth Norwood
- Edit this tagMitcham
- Edit this tagKensington
- Edit this tagKing William street
- Edit this tagGrenfell street
- Edit this tagThe Parade
- Edit this tagMagill road
- Edit this tagAveland Avenue
- Edit this tagTrinity Gardens
- Edit this tagMagill
- Edit this tagPaternal grandmother
- Edit this tagFathers work
- Edit this tagUpper Sturt
- Edit this tagMitcham
- Edit this tagUnley road
- Edit this tagWaite road
- Edit this tagHarrow terrace
- Edit this tagHillview road
- Edit this tagSpringfield
- Edit this tagBalfour Wauchope pty ltd
- Edit this tagMitcham
- Edit this tagMontrose House
- Edit this tagAlbert street
- Edit this tagMuggs Hill road Mitcham
- Edit this tagMalvern avenue
- Edit this tagDuthy street
- Edit this tagMitcham
- Edit this tagTorrens Park
- Edit this tagEdinburgh Hotel Mitcham
- Edit this tagTorrens street Mitcham
- Edit this tagDry Creek
- Edit this tagBurfords factory
- Edit this tagMother
- Edit this tagSt Michaelsroad
- Edit this tagMaitland street
- Edit this tagTaylors road
- Edit this tagSisters of St Joseph Kensington
- Edit this tagBeulah road
- Edit this tagBridge street Kensington
- Edit this tagBroken Hill
- Edit this tagSouth Australia
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagMorialta Chambers
- Edit this tagWindsor Castle Hotel Victoria Square 1850 to 1954
- Edit this tagColonial Mutual Life Building
- Edit this tagBroken Hill
- Edit this tagGrandparents courting
- Edit this tagIreland
- Edit this tagNew Zealand
- Edit this tagMaternal grandfather
- Edit this tagClapham
- Edit this tagGoodwood road
- Edit this tagCottonville
- Edit this tagAngas road
- Edit this tagGoodwood road
- Edit this tagGlen Osmond
- Edit this tagThe Mount Barker road
- Edit this tagnow the Julia Farr Centre in Fisher street
- Edit this tagSt Stephens Cathedral Brisbane
- Edit this tagMitcham
- Edit this tagFamily discipline
- Edit this tagSiblings and responsibility as eldest
- Edit this tagLack of sex education
- Edit this tagAustralia
- Edit this tagNorth terrace
- Edit this tagPost Office Rundle street
- Edit this tagUnley road
- Edit this tagMarlborough street
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagNorth terrace
- Edit this tagParkside
- Edit this tagKingswood
- Edit this tagYoung street
- Edit this tagUnley road
- Edit this tagGlen Osmond road
- Edit this tagPark terrace
- Edit this tagMitcham Railway Station
- Edit this tagMitcham Institute
- Edit this tagCalvary hospital
- Edit this tagKingswood
- Edit this tagTappeiner Court Nursing Home Kensington
- Edit this tag22 Maitland street Mitcham
- Edit this tagMitcham house description
- Edit this tagOutside help for household
- Edit this tagAlbert street
- Edit this tagMurray Bridge
- Edit this tagFullarton Refuge
- Edit this tagFullarton road
- Edit this tagKenilworth road
- Edit this tagWattle street
- Edit this tagRandolf avenue
- Edit this tagSt Josephs Centre
- Edit this tagWorld War two
- Edit this tagWorld War One
- Edit this tagMitcham Institute
- Edit this tagChristian Brothers College
- Edit this tagHousehold chores
- Edit this tagFamily social life attitudes
- Edit this tagMitcham
- Edit this tagKingswood
- Edit this tagFamily religion
- Edit this tagWrigleys chewing gum
- Edit this tagFamilly Sunday afternoons
- Edit this tagSchool days
- Edit this tagSt Josephs school
- Edit this tagMaitland street
- Edit this tagWelbourne street
- Edit this tagWattle street
- Edit this tagJackson Brother Unley road
- Edit this tagHelping father at work
- Edit this tagKerosene tins use
- Edit this tagMitcham
- Edit this tagSt Josephs School
- Edit this tagKent street Hawthorn
- Edit this tagMitcham
- Edit this tagSt Joseph school description
- Edit this tagCowandilla
- Edit this tagSchool discipline
- Edit this tagLearning music at school
- Edit this tagMusic in family
- Edit this tagFavourite teacher
- Edit this tagSchool discipline
- Edit this tagNorth terrace
- Edit this tagRed Cross
- Edit this tagExhibition building
- Edit this tagMitcham railway station
- Edit this tagWestbourne Park
- Edit this tagOptional religion at St Josephs school
- Edit this tagCatholic non catholic conflict
- Edit this tagFullarton road
- Edit this tagArchdeacon Clampett rector at St Michaels 1893 to 1939
- Edit this tagSt Michaels hall
- Edit this tagPrinces road
- Edit this tagEast parade
- Edit this tagKingswood
- Edit this tagImpact of World War One
- Edit this tagTorrens river
- Edit this tagMother making clothes
- Edit this tagPoverty and school children
- Edit this tagChristian Brothers College Wakefield street
- Edit this tagLeaving school
- Edit this tagJohn Martins department store
- Edit this tagGilberts Floral store
- Edit this tagMusic after school
- Edit this tagLaubman and Pank opticians
- Edit this tagWork ambitions
- Edit this tagFauldings
- Edit this tagGilbert place
- Edit this tagHoward College Ltd
- Edit this tagWorking at Gilbert floral store
- Edit this tagLady Constance Jean Bonython 1891 to 1977
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagWidows fund building
- Edit this tagSouth Australian hotel
- Edit this tagGilberts Floral store
- Edit this tagWork at Gilberts Floral store
- Edit this tagMount Gambier
- Edit this tagHighgate
- Edit this tagJames Place
- Edit this tagOuter Harbor
- Edit this tagPlympton
- Edit this tagBurra
- Edit this tagMartin avenue Plympton
- Edit this tagMarion road
- Edit this tagUnley road
- Edit this tagVictoria terrace
- Edit this tagNapier terrace
- Edit this tagBelair road
- Edit this tagChanging names of streets over time
- Edit this tagNottingham avenue
- Edit this tagSt Francis Xaviers cathedral Wakefield street Adelaide
- Edit this tagSt Lawrences church North Adelaide
- Edit this tagBroken Hill
- Edit this tagSisters of St Josephs West terrace
- Edit this tagSister
- Edit this tagBradey street
- Edit this tagAlbert street
- Edit this tag at the Central exchange
- Edit this tagWork at Gilbert Floral store
- Edit this tagJohn Martins department store
- Edit this tagJohn Martins department store
- Edit this tagChanging Jobs. Flower store to Central Exchange
- Edit this tagStotts business college
- Edit this tagAdelaide high school
- Edit this tagPrinces road
- Edit this tagTorrens Arms hotel
- Edit this tagCross road
- Edit this tagAt Stotts Business college
- Edit this tagAt the Central Exchange
- Edit this tagMagneto exchanges
- Edit this tagCommon battery exchage
- Edit this tagSuburb Sturt
- Edit this tagUnley
- Edit this tagNorwood
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagJohn Martins department store
- Edit this tagHarris Scarfes
- Edit this tagRailway Station
- Edit this tagMyers
- Edit this tagWork at the Central Exchange
- Edit this tagGeneral Post Office
- Edit this tagBotanic Gardens
- Edit this tagSuburban exchanges
- Edit this tagBlackwood exchange
- Edit this tagNaracoorte
- Edit this tagVictor Harbor
- Edit this tagStirling
- Edit this tagMount Gambier
- Edit this tagCentral Exchange
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagStandard of dress at Central exchange
- Edit this tagKing William street
- Edit this tagMarriage terminated employment
- Edit this tagBlack sunday 1955
- Edit this tagMt Gambier
- Edit this tagBlack Friday Victoria 1939
- Edit this tagAdelaide
- Edit this tagFathers death
- Edit this tagBedford Park Santiorium
- Edit this tagOaklands railway station
- Edit this tagThe Depression
- Edit this tagLaubman and Panks optometrists
- Edit this tagMothers work after fathers death
- Edit this tagGardener brand Jam Factory Payneham road
- Edit this tagJam Factory
- Edit this tagWelfare department
- Edit this tagSouth Australia
- Edit this tagNorthfield hospital
- Edit this tagMitcham
- Edit this tagWallaroo
- Edit this tagAdelaide Show
- Edit this tag54a Gilbert street
- Edit this tagCentral Exchange closed 1955
- Edit this tagMelbourne
- Edit this tagSydney
- Edit this tagLondon
- Edit this tagFirst overseas call
Linked To
Oral history
- Interview with Mary Margaret Matthew [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 1 of 6
- Interview with Mary Margaret Matthew [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 2 of 6
- Interview with Mary Margaret Matthew [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 3 of 6
- Interview with Mary Margaret Matthew [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 4 of 6
- Interview with Mary Margaret Matthew [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 5 of 6
- Interview with Mary Margaret Matthew [sound recording] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson, Part 6 of 6
Interview with Mary Margaret Matthew [transcript] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson
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Father John Patrick Francis Matthew
Mother Elizabeth Matthew
22 Maitland street Mitcham
Maitland street home
Bismark lamp
Fathers family
John and David Shearer Agricultural machinery
North Norwood
Broken Hill
Palace Hotel Broken Hill
Broken Hill
Beauchamps dairy
North Norwood
King William street
Grenfell street
The Parade
Magill road
Aveland Avenue
Trinity Gardens
Paternal grandmother
Fathers work
Upper Sturt
Unley road
Waite road
Harrow terrace
Hillview road
Balfour Wauchope pty ltd
Montrose House
Albert street
Muggs Hill road Mitcham
Malvern avenue
Duthy street
Torrens Park
Edinburgh Hotel Mitcham
Torrens street Mitcham
Dry Creek
Burfords factory
St Michaelsroad
Maitland street
Taylors road
Sisters of St Joseph Kensington
Beulah road
Bridge street Kensington
Broken Hill
South Australia
Morialta Chambers
Windsor Castle Hotel Victoria Square 1850 to 1954
Colonial Mutual Life Building
Broken Hill
Grandparents courting
New Zealand
Maternal grandfather
Goodwood road
Angas road
Goodwood road
Glen Osmond
The Mount Barker road
now the Julia Farr Centre in Fisher street
St Stephens Cathedral Brisbane
Family discipline
Siblings and responsibility as eldest
Lack of sex education
North terrace
Post Office Rundle street
Unley road
Marlborough street
North terrace
Young street
Unley road
Glen Osmond road
Park terrace
Mitcham Railway Station
Mitcham Institute
Calvary hospital
Tappeiner Court Nursing Home Kensington
22 Maitland street Mitcham
Mitcham house description
Outside help for household
Albert street
Murray Bridge
Fullarton Refuge
Fullarton road
Kenilworth road
Wattle street
Randolf avenue
St Josephs Centre
World War two
World War One
Mitcham Institute
Christian Brothers College
Household chores
Family social life attitudes
Family religion
Wrigleys chewing gum
Familly Sunday afternoons
School days
St Josephs school
Maitland street
Welbourne street
Wattle street
Jackson Brother Unley road
Helping father at work
Kerosene tins use
St Josephs School
Kent street Hawthorn
St Joseph school description
School discipline
Learning music at school
Music in family
Favourite teacher
School discipline
North terrace
Red Cross
Exhibition building
Mitcham railway station
Westbourne Park
Optional religion at St Josephs school
Catholic non catholic conflict
Fullarton road
Archdeacon Clampett rector at St Michaels 1893 to 1939
St Michaels hall
Princes road
East parade
Impact of World War One
Torrens river
Mother making clothes
Poverty and school children
Christian Brothers College Wakefield street
Leaving school
John Martins department store
Gilberts Floral store
Music after school
Laubman and Pank opticians
Work ambitions
Gilbert place
Howard College Ltd
Working at Gilbert floral store
Lady Constance Jean Bonython 1891 to 1977
Widows fund building
South Australian hotel
Gilberts Floral store
Work at Gilberts Floral store
Mount Gambier
James Place
Outer Harbor
Martin avenue Plympton
Marion road
Unley road
Victoria terrace
Napier terrace
Belair road
Changing names of streets over time
Nottingham avenue
St Francis Xaviers cathedral Wakefield street Adelaide
St Lawrences church North Adelaide
Broken Hill
Sisters of St Josephs West terrace
Bradey street
Albert street
at the Central exchange
Work at Gilbert Floral store
John Martins department store
John Martins department store
Changing Jobs. Flower store to Central Exchange
Stotts business college
Adelaide high school
Princes road
Torrens Arms hotel
Cross road
At Stotts Business college
At the Central Exchange
Magneto exchanges
Common battery exchage
Suburb Sturt
John Martins department store
Harris Scarfes
Railway Station
Work at the Central Exchange
General Post Office
Botanic Gardens
Suburban exchanges
Blackwood exchange
Victor Harbor
Mount Gambier
Central Exchange
Standard of dress at Central exchange
King William street
Marriage terminated employment
Black sunday 1955
Mt Gambier
Black Friday Victoria 1939
Fathers death
Bedford Park Santiorium
Oaklands railway station
The Depression
Laubman and Panks optometrists
Mothers work after fathers death
Gardener brand Jam Factory Payneham road
Jam Factory
Welfare department
South Australia
Northfield hospital
Adelaide Show
54a Gilbert street
Central Exchange closed 1955
First overseas call
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Matthew, Mary Margaret, 1909-1994, Interview with Mary Margaret Matthew [transcript] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson. State Library of South Australia, accessed 20/02/2025,