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    Interview with Florence Margaret Steel [transcript] Interviewer: Beth M. Robertson
    Page 1Page 2Page 3Page 4Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8Page 9Page 10Page 11Page 12Page 13Page 14Page 15Page 16Page 17Page 18Page 19Page 20Page 21Page 22Page 23Page 24Page 25Page 26Page 27Page 28Page 29Page 30Page 31Page 32Page 33Page 34Page 35Page 36Page 37Page 38Page 39Page 40Page 41Page 42Page 43Page 44Page 45Page 46Page 47Page 48Page 49Page 50Page 51Page 52Page 53Page 54Page 55Page 56Page 57Page 58Page 59Page 60Page 61Page 62Page 63Page 64Page 65Page 66Page 67Page 68Page 69Page 70Page 71Page 72Page 73Page 74Page 75Page 76Page 77Page 78Page 79Page 80Page 81Page 82Page 83Page 84Page 85Page 86Page 87Page 88Page 89Page 90Page 91Page 92Page 93Page 94
    Wright Street Adelaide SA
    Test cricketers late 19th Century 1897
    Adelaide Children's Hospital 1897
    School Happy Valley SA late 19th Century
    Henry Thomas Rankin
    Glaucoma early treatment
    Indigenous Port Augusta
    Laura Alice Rankin
    Young Queens Arms hotel Gawler Place Adelaide
    Harpers Gully Clarendon
    Early 20th century rough Adelaide
    Chatham Street Wright Street
    Eric Leek
    Adelaide Earthquake 1897(?)
    Ohalloran Hill
    Richard Appleton
    Late 19th century home
    Victoria Hotel
    Early 20th century rough Adelaide
    Boer War
    Montefiore Hill
    Early 20th century Family
    Grote Street School high school 1908
    Victoria Hotel
    South Road
    Port Augusta
    Dominican Convent School
    Sturt Street School
    Dominican Convent School
    Early 20th century attitude to death
    Early 20th century family
    Adelaide Hospital
    Millican and Lee boot Factory
    Early 20th century family
    Whitmore Square
    Early 20th century Adelaide city traffic
    Charles Kingston
    Early 20th century dating
    Sick sailor party game
    Early 20th century young people parties
    phonograph debut
    silent movies debut
    W.H. Bruce butchers
    Grote street
    Ice skating rink
    Cranky Kate
    Pie Stall Annie
    Providence Catholic Home
    Adelaide Crime 1920s
    Phillip Street
    West terrace
    Wine dots
    Cabs prostitutes Early Adelaide
    First taxi cab
    Adelaide prostitutes early 20th century
    Courtship Florence
    Death of mother
    Winnifred Street
    Gilbert Street
    death of sister
    South Terrace
    King William Street
    Wedding Florence
    Hubert Thomas Charles Godden
    Millers LIme
    Waymouth Street
    Winnifred Street
    Starr Bowkett Building Society
    Brown Street
    Sex Education Florence
    Birth of first baby
    La Perouse hospital
    Franklin Street
    North Terrace
    Whooping cough
    Wright Street
    School for mothers
    Mareeba Babies Hospital
    Railway Terrace
    Nestles condensed milk
    Doctor Marie Brown
    Queen Victoria Hospital
    Matron Chambers
    Lady Napier Birks
    Miscarriages Early 20th century
    Death of Husband
    Work at Holden
    Bert Edwards Publican Politician
    Norman Makin Federal Labour politician
    Child Allowance
    North Terrace
    Destitute Asylum
    Kintore Avenue
    The Depression
    McNicholl Terrace rosewater
    York Theatre
    Wakefield Street
    Reed Brothers
    The Depression
    East End Market
    Destitute Asylum
    Tumby Bay
    Millican and Lee
    Wayville Hall
    Glenelg Train
    Torrens Island
    Prince Albert
    Starr Bowkett Building Society
    Millican and Lee
    Little Sturt street
    Little Gilbert street
    Adelaide Mosque Little Gilbert Street founded 1888
    Sturt Street
    Mahomet Allum Herbalist 1858 to 1964
    Single widowed working women
    Millican and Lees
    Dealing with periods early 20th century
    Express washing powder
    Holy Trinity Church North Terrace
    Adelaide drunkeness
    Claxton Street
    South Terrace
    Hutt Street
    Death of mother
    Rundle Street
    Haighs Chocolate
    David Jones
    Charles Birks Department Store
    James Marshall and Co Myer 1928
    Lady Napier Birks
    Mothers and Babies Health Association
    J Craven and Co
    Pulteney Street
    Rundle Street
    Malcolm Reids
    Death of mother
    Stock Exchange Restaurant
    Sturt Street trams
    Mother in law relationship
    Victoria Square
    Waymouth Street
    Gouger Street
    Unmarried teenage pregnancy
    West Terrace
    Christian Brothers College
    Hindley Street
    Florence brothers
    Grote street
    Light Square
    unplanned pregnancies
    St Patricks Catholic Church
    Frank Partridge
    Adelaide taxis
    North Adelaide
    Sturt street
    The Duke of Brunswick hotel
    Winifred street
    South terrace
    Whitmore square
    Brown street
    Sturt street
    Curly Edwards
    Gilbert streer
    Animal cruelty
    Winnifred street
    La Perouse nursing home
    Franklin street
    Birth of children
    Home birth
    Pears soap
    Nurses Corn Flour
    Whitmore square
    Rundle street
    City pests in home
    West End brewery
    Gilbert street
    Whooping cough
    Sturt street
    Light square
    Wright street
    Lowe street
    North Terrace
    Kintore Avenue
    kintore Avenue
    Destitute Asylum
    Family neighbor help
    McNicholl Terreca
    Micky Megus
    Junction road
    School for mothers
    Wright Street
    Diets health
    Mothers dying at childbirth
    Married women working
    The depression
    Lady Napier Birks
    Enlistment of sons
    Wright Street
    West Terrace
    Franklin Street
    Lowe Street
    Gouger Street
    Charles Moores
    Central Market
    Blacks shoes
    Ditty box
    Help of mother in alw
    Stock Exchange
    Birth control
    Local Chinese
    Sturt street
    Starr Bowkett Building Society
    Queen Victoria hospital
    Curly Edwards