Title Letter about Jarman brothers' appealDate1916Description
Letter from Nesbit & Nesbit (legal firm) dated 31 October 1916 to the Military Registrar, Mount Gambier. It refers to the details of the appeal of L. Jarman and J. Jarman against the decision not to exempt them from military service on the grounds of being medically unfit.
This item is from the papers of the Jarman family of Kingston, South East.
John Jones Jarman born Rhayader, Radnorshire, Wales 14 December 1847. Arrived S.A. 4 February 1869 on 'Hugh Fortescue', and lived at Naracoorte. Returned to England in 1876 and married Annie Goodwin in Shrewsbury. Returned to S.A. and lived at Kingston where he set up a business as merchant and building contractor as J.J. Jarman, Universal Provider and Importer. Was a founder of Kingston Wesleyan Church in 1881. Father of four sons and three surviving daughters. J.J. Jarman was councillor of Lacepede Council and chairman twice. The Jarman business had a branch at Naracoorte. Members of family visited England in 1886, 1911, 1924 and 1929. J.J. Jarman died in 1920 and his wife died in 1923. Family retained interest in business until sold to Eudunda Farmers' Cooperative Society in 1954.
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Letter about Jarman brothers' appeal (1916). State Library of South Australia, accessed 09/02/2025, https://digital.collections.slsa.sa.gov.au/nodes/view/2444