State Library of South Australia's contribution to World War One
Eight staff members from the State Library of South Australia (then the Public Library, part of the Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery) served in World War 1.
The first to enlist was Sylvester Sydney Day, First Library Assistant, who was killed at Gallipoli on 2 May 1915. His colleagues farewelled him with a party to express their admiration for his action, sending him off with ' "a plum pudding" from his lady colleagues, and a wristlet watch, a case of pipes, and a purse of sovereigns from the whole staff' and a rousing rendition of 'He's a jolly good fellow' (see Daily herald, 21 November 1914, p. 6). For more information about Day and the others who served, see below. The names of the staff members who served were inscribed on a bronze plaque which can today be seen hanging in the Library's entrance foyer or in this photograph.
A number of other staff members enlisted in 1916. On 13 May 1916 a meeting of the staff of the Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery unanimously adopted a minute stating that the staff:
'expresses to Messrs H.R. Purnell, M. McRae, C.H. Hannaford and J.A. Paynter its high appreciation of the Patriotism in enlisting for Active Service and wished them God Speed and a full continuance of their Courage, Strength, and Resolution until the Enemy shall be Vanquished.
May they return in health and strength to enjoy the well-earned gratitude and confidence of their Fellow Citizens of the Empire in South Australia.' (State Records of South Australia, GRG 19/126)
The Library staff supported the war effort on the home front in a number of ways. From making recent books and articles about the countries involved easily available (see Register, 1 August 1914, p. 15), to assembling on the anniversary of the outbreak of war each year to honour those who were serving and declare 'their unswerving loyalty to the King and the Empire' (Report of the Board of Governors of the Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery of South Australia, 1915-16, p. 6). There were also various fund raising efforts, many of which were presided over by Miss Harwood, the assistant Secretary of the Library Board. At the outbreak of the war she had originated the idea of ensuring that each South Australian soldier bound for the Front had a Christmas plum pudding before they were dispatched (see Register, 8 September 1914, p. 4). In the first year of the war, £283 was raised - nearly £6 per staff member (Report of the Board of Governors of the Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery of South Australia, 1915-16, p. 6).
After the war the Library set about preserving items within its collection which represented and commemorated those who served, including a public call for donations of portraits of soldiers, sailors and nurses (see Southern argus, 21 December 1922, p. 3). A selection of the portraits collected can be viewed in State Records of South Australia's WW1 Photographs album on Flickr.
Further reading
Bridge, Carl. A trunk full of books : history of the State Library of South Australia and its forerunners, Netley, S. Aust. : Wakefield Press in association with the State Library of South Australia, 1986, Chapter 7 - The Library at War, pp. 93-99
Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia. Board of Governors. Report of the Board of Governors of the Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery of South Australia, with the reports of the standing committees for ..., Adelaide : E. Spiller, Government Printer