Images from Progress to denial : a poem by Colin Thiele, published in Adelaide by Jindyworobak Publication, 1945.
In the poem L'envoy, Colin Thiele, then a young serviceman, and later to become one of Australia's best known writers for children, writes about Australia's remembrance ceremonies for those killed in war.
This item is reproduced courtesy of the estate of Mr Colin Thiele and the Permanent Trustee Company on behalf of the estate of Margaret Preston. It may be printed or saved for research or study. Use for any other purpose requires written permission from the estate of Mr Colin Thiele and the Permanent Trustee Company on behalf of the estate of Margaret Preston. To request approval, complete the Quote for Copy/Permission form.
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Thiele, Colin, 1920-2006, Progress to denial . State Library of South Australia, accessed 05/11/2024,